meal time.

Confirmed Covid cases in schools

The Ministry of Education communicates every Friday on the number of coronavirus cases in schools and has started doing so again since the beginning of the school year on April 26. According to the latest situation point, that of Friday, April 30*, there are :

2,067 confirmed Covid cases among students (cumulative over seven days), out of 5,480,717 students of the 1st degree, or 0.04% of them (+778 in 24 hours) 231 confirmed Covid cases among staff (cumulative over seven days), out of 295,575 staff of the 1st degree, or 0.08% (+53 in 24 hours).)

* data stopped on Thursday at 13h

“30% more risk” of contracting Covid-19 in contact with school children

According to a recent report cited by franceinfo, school is a place where the virus spreads strongly. The report comes from the Terranova think tank, which is close to the centre-left. He estimates that there would be “30% more risk of contracting the virus” when in contact with school children. A risk that would even rise to “40 %” if the children are in nursery. For Terranova, the protocols in place in schools are therefore not sufficient.  

►To learn more, visit our page dedicated to Covid in children

School closure and Covid

According to the situation point provided by the Ministry of Education on Friday 30 April (data stopped on Thursday 1 April at 13h), 19 school structures – nursery and primary schools * – (out of 50 100, or 0.38%) were closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic that week.  1,118 classes (out of 289,380 of the 1st degree, or 0.39%) were also closed * * on that same week. A figure influenced by the strengthening of the health protocol and automatic class closures throughout France from a single case of Covid (whether it involves a variant or not).

* Public and private under contract

** In open schools, due to a confirmed case of Covid among students

► To learn more about school closures, visit our dedicated page

Health protocol

The school health protocol against Covid-19 has undergone many changes since its implementation in spring 2020. Find his latest measures, as well as the most emblematic, on our page dedicated to the covid protocol at school .

How do schools open / close ?

Here are the elements characterizing each school “level” for Covid-19 management. 

Crèches: the” back to school ” in person took place on Monday, April 26. Kindergarten and elementary school ( in other words primary school): the” back to school ” in face-to-face took place on Monday, April 26. The college : back to face-to-face classes scheduled for Monday, May 3rd, in half-gauges for 4th and 3rd grades in the 15 departments of France most affected by Covid-19 traffic (Nord, Aisne, Oise, Yvelines, Seine-et-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis, Hauts-de-Seine, Val d’Oise, Val-de-Marne, Essonne, Paris Bouches-du-Rhône) In high school : face-to-face classes scheduled for Monday, May 3, in half-gauges for all high school students in France Universities : lectures are broadcast by videoconference, but since January 26, students “who wish” have the opportunity to have face-to-face classes at least one day a week, with a total gauge to be respected of 20% occupancy.
Practical work is maintained in the institutions ; exams and competitions are held with a reinforced protocol ; university restaurants continue to operate, but only for takeaway meals ; and university libraries remain open but by appointment and in compliance with a gauge.
On March 10, the Minister of higher education Frédérique Vidal also informed of a freeze on university tuition fees at the start of the 2021 school year, for the second consecutive year, as well as a freeze on rents for Crous residences (university residences) “because we are not yet sure that this summer will be quite normal for student jobs”.
At the same time, students complain of being discredited, of isolation, of difficulties in staying motivated in their studies or of precariousness. Negative testimonies have multiplied in recent months, since the start of the second confinement, especially on social networks via the hashtag #studentsfantômes. Covid – 19 and Bac 2021