Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been accused of sexual assault in United States. This was shared with Public Prosecutor’s Office in New York. It is about incidents from years 2013 and 2004. The bail was set at a million dollars. Weinstein is getting a surveillance device, public Prosecutor continued to inform. He had given his passport and had to ask for permission if he wanted to leave US states of New York and Connecticut. The next court hearing was scheduled for 30 July.

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Prosecutor Cyrus Vance said, “Today’s indictment shows significant progress in this ongoing investigation.” His thanks are “to courageous victims who have declared mselves and to investigators of my authority who have worked tirelessly on this investigation”. Vance asked possible furr victims of Weinstein to report.

Previously, Weinstein had turned to police. In brief explanation, it was said that Weinstein was arrested, treated as a recognition service and accused of rape, criminal sexual activity, sexual abuse and sexual misconduct in two different cases of women Been.

Statement regarding arrest of Harvey Weinstein

— NYPD News (@NYPDnews) May 25, 2018

The 66-year-old had been expected in front of building by numerous journalists and television teams, but reporters did not speak. US media reported that investigation focused on accusations of former actress Lucia Evans, who told The New Yorker magazine that Weinstein had forced her to sexual acts. In case of alleged rape, Weinstein was accused of a woman who did not speak publicly, it was said from police circles. A conviction threatens producer with up to 25 years ‘ imprisonment. In past, New York police had confirmed investigations of Evans ‘ accusations and also reported that in end of 2010, actress Paz de la Huerta was found to be against Weinstein for two alleged rapes.

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The investigations against Weinstein have been running for months: more than a hundred women, including numerous stars, have accused Weinstein of having sexual harassment or even rape. Already on Thursday, US media had reported that Weinstein wanted to introduce himself to New York authorities this week. His bail conditions had already been determined in advance.

From accusations against Tartar, movement was MeToo. Under term women worldwide spoke and talked about sexual assaults and abuses. Weinstein himself did not have to answer for accusations. The procedure in New York would be first against producer, who admitted a misconduct in dealing with women, but denied violent assaults and accusations of non-consensual sex.

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Weinberger’s lawyer Benjamin Brafman, after indictment, had a message distributed in which he affirmed innocence of his client again: “Mr. Weinstein has always said that he never had non-consensual sex with anyone.” Nothing in today’s operations is changing position of Weingarten. “He continues to be convinced that he will be innocent in charges put forward today, and he is sure to be completely relieved,” says lawyer Brafman.

Investigation extended to entire federal territory

Not only in New York, but also in London and Los Angeles have been investigating producer for a long time. On Thursday y were also extended to entire federal territory of United States. Now general Bundesanwaltschaft of USA is also investigating Tartar. It is to be examined wher sexual harassment of Weinstein has led women to travel across national borders. According to information from New York Times, it is also examined wher Weinstein has violated stalking laws. If re is a case of stalking, it could justify an indictment.

Last fall, many women, including actresses such as Salma Hayek, Ashley Judd, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie, had been accused of sexual violence and assaults by Weinstein.

Actresses show mselves relieved

Several actresses commented on news of impending arrest this Friday with relief and joy. “Today we have come a step closer to justice,” wrote actress Rose McGowan on Instagram. May Weinberg’s arrest give hope to all victims who portray ir experiences, she wrote. You and or Weinstein victims would have doubted that he would be held accountable in court. Last autumn, McGowan was one of first women to accuse Weinstein of rape and sexual assault.