Twenty-five years after deadly fire of Solingen, Turkey has expressed its concern about growing xenophobia. The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on occasion of anniversary, announced that it sees “with concern that racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia are increasing, even though a quarter of a century has passed since tragedy of Solingen”.

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The Ministry called for effective measures against racism, discrimination and anti-Islamism, and urged German politicians and media to use a “restrained wording”. The Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu will participate in commemoration ceremonies for victims of xenophobic attack on Tuesday in state capital of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf and in Solingen.

On 29 May 1993, five girls and women died on Solingen House of Turkish-born family gale on right-hand extremist. The four perpetrators were sentenced to 1995 by Düsseldorf Higher Regional court for long-term prison sentences, which y have now served.

Çavuşoğlus appearance falls in campaign time

The participation of Çavuşoğlus in commemoration celebrations coincides with Turkish election campaign, and thus into a period in which a ban on appearance of a presence in Germany would have to apply. The federal government has pronounced this general ban for three months before an election. In Turkey, early parliamentary and presidential elections are scheduled for June 24th.

According to NRW provincial government, however, appearance of Turkish Foreign Minister is a wish of Gale family. In past, a representative of Turkish Government had always been present, said Integration minister Joachim Stamp.

During his visit, Turkish Foreign minister will also meet his German colleague Heiko Maas (SPD) and Nordrhein-Westfalen’s Prime Minister Armin Flapt (CDU). At commemoration ceremony in Düsseldorf, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is expected as a speaker. At event in Solingen wants to speak among ors Maas.