CASTEX. In a speech on Thursday evening, Jean Castex has made it a point to step on the government’s strategy to combat Covid-19. Vacation, containment, vaccine… That’s the bottom line ?

Contents Speech of Jean Castex video-Ads by Jean Castex, February 4, Speech of Jean Castex, in direct Speech, Jean Castex, January 29, Interview of Jean Castex on 18 January Speech of Jean Castex, January 14 Speech of Jean Castex, January 7 Speech of Jean Castex on 10 December Speech of Jean Castex, November 26,

A warning before the holiday start. Jean Castex was keen to present themselves in front of the press on Thursday evening to provide an update on the health situation in France and the head of the government has lifted the main issue of the French : yes, they may well go on holidays, winter, starting this Friday for the area A. The containment, third of the name, it is still not deemed “necessary” and travel between regions will remain authorized.

In his speech, Jean Castex has also addressed the purely health of the crisis, with the spread of the variants, the vaccination campaign, but also that the tests, which will strengthen the school. To summarize, the Prime minister spoke of a “fragile”, but “stable”, welcoming the fact that France “has not known of new epidemic wave of magnitude”. “This is not the time for the relaxation of our efforts”, a-t-il, however, hammered. Find a point-by-point the critical announcements Jean Castex, but also other members of the government present this Thursday evening at the press conference.

major announcements Jean Castex about winter holidays . “We have chosen not to limit travel between regions during the winter holidays. […] I call you to the greatest caution during these holidays. We are able to overcome this ordeal. We can and must take. Manage a health crisis, it is to seek the proper balance point. But the most important criteria is that of the health of the French. We stick to, is leaving to take unpopular measures”. “If the situation remains worrying, our numbers are relatively stable”. about a possible use of the containment . “Containment is not necessary today. But in case of necessity, we would not hesitate. […] The goal is not to push the containment, it is to avoid it. […] Indeed, in the face of the current situation, that he had concerns about the prospect of reconfiner, I can confirm. This perspective has not disappeared.” On the subject of teleworking. “We don’t use enough telework. It is a matter of substantive and long-term. But the crisis requires them to take urgent and exceptional measures”. “Telework must be the rule for all the activities that allow. Today more than a third of the assets can do so. However, the use of telework is eroding. 30 % of those who can telecommute 100 % do it. It is difficult, but we have no choice ! Telework is an important lever in the fight against Covid. We do not intend to return to the current rules, but I request to all the companies to mobilize emergency. We hope that the 2.5 million employees who cannot telework not at all and who can do so. Those who telework partially have to do it one or two days more. We will ensure that measures will be taken. The inspection of the work will remain mobilized”. (Elisabeth Terminal) about the vaccination campaign . “The rate of adherence in the long-term care facilities is very good evidence that our strategy was the right one. 70 % of the residents in long-term care facilities will be vaccinated within the next few days”. “The vaccination campaign is underway at a rapid pace. Yesterday and today, over 100 000 people have been vaccinated on the day”. “I announce to you the opening of 1.7 million additional appointments for vaccination, with 500 000 appointment on February available as early as tomorrow”. “We have set a goal to vaccinate all persons over 65 years of age who wish to here the month of may”. about vaccines . “The new vaccine AstraZeneca will allow us to reach the goal of 4 million first injections by the end of February”. This vaccine should be used first to vaccinate healthcare workers and at-risk under the age of 65 years”. “The beginning of the vaccination with doses AstraZeneca is for Saturday”. “We will be normally delivered tomorrow evening 250,000 doses that will be dispatched the day after tomorrow in hospitals”. about the campaign of tests, including schools . “4 tests are carried out in France every second. […] We have nothing to envy our neighbours in terms of testing”. “The return of the holiday, we hope to achieve several hundreds of thousands of tests by sampling saliva in schools, simpler and less unpleasant for the children”. about The variants. “variants brazilians and south africans worry us even more than the variant English. These are more contagious, more dangerous. Four cases have been registered in the Var” (Olivier Véran). On the strengthening of controls . “1.9 million checks have been done and 177 000 fines have been carried out. The citation for non-compliance with the curfew are up 53 %, ” says Gérald Darmanin. “I especially asked the security forces to be particularly vigilant about the holidays clandestine, more and more numerous. 190 festive events have been halted in recent days”. Speech by Jean Castex video The latest speeches of Jean Castex