SPEECH MACRON – Déconfinement, but also racism and police violence… for twenty minutes on Sunday evening, Emmanuel Macron, addressed to the French in a speech that was resolutely optimistic.

Summary Speech of 14 June Video of the speech Speech from the April 13 Speech from the march 25 Speech on 16 march Speech of march 12,

Emmanuel Macron was highly anticipated on Sunday evening, at a time when France has largely begun his déconfinement while having maintained restrictions preventing the return of the famous “life before”. The head of State was also observed for its reaction to the ambient climate in the country, leaded by the accusations of racism, protests against the police violence, the wrath of the forces of order.

Despite all this, it is on a resolutely upbeat tone that Emmanuel Macron spoke for twenty minutes in front of 23.6 million viewers, announcing from the outset that France has turned officially the page of the “first act of the crisis” of the coronavirus, applying to defend his management of this crisis by ignoring the many criticisms that have emerged . “We can be proud of what has been done and our country”, he started, while promising to correct “hard and fast” the “weaknesses” that the epidemic has laid bare. “We don’t have to be ashamed” of the balance sheet of these three months, insisted the president : “tens of thousands of lives have been saved by our choices, by our actions. In his speech of some twenty minutes, Emmanuel Macron also welcomed the economic answer to the crisis, touting the “$ 500 billion” used : “In how many countries is this all there was ? It is a chance and this shows the strength of our State and of our social model.”

The 10 key points of the speech of 14 June

While the indicators on the epidemic of coronavirus in France are always encouraging, Emmanuel Macron is also applied to answer the call of more pressing to speed up the tempo on the process of déconfinement ongoing since the 11th of last may. Find ads highlights of the speech of the head of the State, which will be a next intervention in July :

School. Back to school compulsory from 22 June everywhere in France for the school children and college students. “As of tomorrow, daycare, schools and colleges are preparing to welcome all students on a mandatory basis and according to the rules of normal presence”, said Emmanuel Macron. Ile-de-France. Passage to the green area of the Ile-de-France, not for the French Guiana and Mayotte, which remains in orange. “The fight against the epidemic is not over”, has warned Emmanuel Macron. Restaurants. re-opening total of restaurants in Île-de-France, in compliance with the rules of distancing. Borders. Reopening of the borders this Monday, June 15 countries of the EU and on the 1st of July for non-EU countries. Municipal. the Second round of the municipal elections 2020 maintained to Sunday 28 June. retirement Homes. The visits in long-term care facilities “shall be allowed”, said Emmanuel Macron. Balance sheet of the crisis. Emmanuel Macron has acknowledged that “this test has also revealed some weaknesses, weaknesses” in the country and that they should “draw all the lessons from what we have experienced”. It points in particular to “our addiction to other continents” for masks, gowns or gel, the “burden organization”, problems of”social and geographical inequalities”. The president of the Republic promised to “remedy these weaknesses quickly and decisively”. in Economics. On employment and the economy, Emmanuel Macron said that France has “mobilized close to 500 billion euros.” The head of State has ruled out the possibility of a tax increase, his announcement to “avoid to the maximum the dismissals.” Stimulus and “world after”. Emmanuel Macron has promised “a new path” for the last two years of the quinquennium. “Each of us must reinvent itself”, he started, declining the three axes of the stimulus that it will state in July, after you have harvested the fruit of the various consultations undertaken since several weeks. The head of State will move on to “rebuilding a strong economy, ecological, sovereignty and solidarity”. Emmanuel Macron, in particular, urged to “work and produce more to not depend on others,” promising not to raise taxes. The emphasis has also been placed on ecology : thermal renovation of buildings “support to the green industry”… This recovery plan, which will contain measures, in particular for the “youth”, will be prepared during the summer. A sequence that could, according to observers, to be accompanied by a government reshuffle. Racism and police violence. Emmanuel Macron has also referred to the tensions related to police violence leading to protests in the country. “The police and the police deserve the support of the public power and the gratitude of the Nation,” insisted the president, who had a few words on the discrimination highlighted in the news. “We are a nation where everyone, whatever his origins and his religion must find its place. (…) We will be defiant in the face of racism and anti-semitism, and new strong measures for equal opportunities will be taken”, he promised. But he also warned against “communitarianism and separatism”. “The Republic will not erase any trace of it or any name of his story”nor no statue déboulonnée, he warned. The video of the speech made by Macron speeches of Emmanuel Macron Speech Emmanuel Macron on April 13, 2020

Highly anticipated by the French eager to know more about the extension of the containment, the speech from the April 13, has allowed Emmanuel Macron to make the point about the spread of the epidemic of the Covid in France and to announce the first phase of déconfinement for 11 may. The speech in its entirety :

Address of Emmanuel Macron on march 25, 2020

This is a speech a little special which was delivered to Emmanuel Macron on 25 march 2020. Full containment and while the coronavirus was in the phase of rising on the country, the president was moved to the military hospital of campaign of Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), where he had made the speech before the French. In an area of France particularly affected by the Covid-19, Emmanuel Macron had paid tribute to “all women and men who are in the second row, and that allow our caregivers to care for, and the country to continue to live.” It should be noted that this is the first time where the head of State had appeared to be hidden.

Address of Emmanuel Macron on march 16, 2020

During his speech of 16 march 2020, Emmanuel Macron, announced to the French in the beginning of the containment starting as soon as the next day. “The meetings with friends, family, travel in the parks will not be allowed,” he said, repeating that the country was entering “a war” against the coronavirus. The speech in its entirety :

Address of Emmanuel Macron on the 12th of march 2020