anual Macron has given a new interview to TF1 and France 2. The head of State took the opportunity to announce new measures in the fight against the spread of the Covid-19. It is on this day that he had announced the introduction of the curfew, first in nine French cities, before it is extended to several departments. Emmanuel Macron had also invited the French to respect the rule of “6 persons”, aiming at limiting to 6 people, so the people to receive at home, or with whom to sit at the table. Other ads described this, October 14 : partial unemployment re-enabled for hotels, restaurants, events, tourism and sport, and the entry in scene of a new application, TousAntiCovid.

Interview Emmanuel Macron on October 7,

Emmanuel Macron in the 20 Hours of France 2 and TF1, Wednesday, October 7, was expressed from Saint-Martin-Vésubie, one of the towns most affected by the storm Alex, in the Alpes-Maritimes. He had announced that in a first step, € 100 million would be made available for a reconstruction fund. A “conference of financiers” will also be put in place “for the State, the region, the department, the metropolis, and all the commons that can contribute, in order that the solidarity of national and local mobilizes”.

Emmanuel Macron had also mentioned the health situation of the country, with a virus that “circulates faster for several weeks.” It intended to”move towards more restrictions, such as those that one could know in the Bouches-du-Rhone to Paris and the small crown”, especially in areas where the coronavirus progresses quickly and affects elderly people. “The strategy is also to empower our fellow citizens. We are not, and we will not be for several months, in a normal time. It is necessary to be responsible to each other, it is necessary to take care of our seniors, our caregivers, who are under very strong pressure,” he added.

Interview Emmanuel Macron on the 21st of July

July 21, 2020, Emmanuel Macron had been in the JT of TF1 in an interview that had for objective the explanation of the european recovery plan decided by the EU 24 hours earlier. The head of State was then found that the 450 billion euros of this plan, 40 billion of which was devoted to France, and that this sum would be used for the ecological transition, tourism, financing of the regions, a digital, or even to hiring young people. “These are very practical things, and that will touch the lives of our citizens”, had promised Emmanuel Macron this evening, adding that this debt would be assumed by the country as a whole and that it would be smoothed in the time. “For the first time, the country will borrow money to divide between them, according to their needs,” he said.

Interview Emmanuel Macron on July 14,

Tuesday, July 14, Emmanuel Macron was sent to the French during a great interview with TF1 and France 2. The head of State has been questioned for more than an hour by Léa Salamé and Gilles Birch and is expressed on the economic recovery plan, the health crisis of the Covid-19, the wage agreements for the caregivers found in the framework of the Segur of Health, the pension reform re-launched, but also on the cabinet reshuffle, which has been the subject of criticism from the opposition and women’s associations. The intervention of Emmanuel Macron in the video, in its entirety :

Address of Emmanuel Macron on the 14th of June

in Mid-June, Emmanuel Macron was expressed to set the tempo of the process of déconfinement. It had then listed a series of measures, especially for children and French teenagers returning to school.

Address of Emmanuel Macron on April 13, 2020

Highly anticipated by the French eager to know more about the extension of the containment, the speech from the April 13, has allowed Emmanuel Macron to make the point about the spread of the epidemic of the Covid in France and to announce the first phase of déconfinement for 11 may. The speech in its entirety :

Address of Emmanuel Macron on march 25, 2020

This is a speech a little special which was delivered to Emmanuel Macron on 25 march 2020. Full containment and while the coronavirus was in the phase of rising on the country, the president was moved to the military hospital of campaign of Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), where he had made the speech before the French. In an area of France particularly affected by the Covid-19, Emmanuel Macron had paid tribute to “all women and men who are in the second row, and that allow our caregivers to care for, and the country to continue to live.” It should be noted that this is the first time where the head of State had appeared to be hidden.

Address of Emmanuel Macron on march 16, 2020

During his speech of 16 march 2020, Emmanuel Macron, announced to the French in the beginning of the containment starting as soon as the next day. “The meetings with friends, family, travel in the parks will not be allowed,” he said, repeating that the country was entering “a war” against the coronavirus. The speech in its entirety :

Address of Emmanuel Macron on the 12th of march 2020