EXCLUSIVE. The three tenors of the right, comfortably re-elected in the regional elections, now have in the sights the 2022 presidential election. A YouGov poll for the Internet reveals their electoral potential against the two favorites of the 2nd round. Valérie Pécresse takes her cue from the game.

Who will be the candidate of the right for the 2022 presidential election ? The president of the Republicans party, Christian Jacob, wants the issue to be decided in November, relying on a large consultation of activists. But the timetable set by LR seems subsidiary for the three personalities of the right today in a better position to embody their camp in the supreme election. Xavier Bertrand, Valérie Pécresse and Laurent Wauquiez, who won a clear victory in the recent regional elections, are at the center of all attention : the first has already declared himself, the other two still hope to take the leadership of the right in the race for the Elysée.

A previous YouGov poll for the Internet revealed that right-wing voters made Xavier Bertrand “the best candidate of their camp” (see here). As a new political sequence opens, the three rivals having gauged their political capital during the regionals, we have chosen to evaluate the balance of power between Xavier Bertrand, Valérie Pécresse, Laurent Wauquiez and the two contenders in better position-until then, in the polls-to constitute the duel of 2nd round of the presidential, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. And the results highlight that the three tenors of the right are in an equivalent balance of power against Emmanuel Macron ; against Marine Le Pen, on the other hand, the balance of power is more favorable to Valérie Pécresse than to the other rivals of the right.

Bertrand facing Macron and Le Pen

The president of Hauts-de-France considers that the 2022 presidential election is now “a three-way match”, including himself in the first protagonists of the election. In an interview with Les Echos, he even assures “to see where the path is, not only to win, but also to govern”. In the polls of voting intentions, he is ahead of Valérie Pécresse and Laurent Wauquiez in the first round (between 18 and 20% against around 12% for these right-wing rivals). Our poll puts him in 2nd round.

To the question ” Would you vote for Xavier Bertrand in the 2nd round of the presidential election against Emmanuel Macron ?”, 27% of the French answer “yes”, 38% answer” no”, 36% do not pronounce. If we exclude the undecided and those who do not intend to vote, we get 42% of yes and 58% of no.

To the question ” Would you vote for Xavier Bertrand in the 2nd round of the presidential election against Marine Le Pen ?”, 38% of the French answer “yes”, 32% answer” no”, 30% do not pronounce. If we exclude the undecided and those who do not intend to vote, we get 54% of yes and 46% of no.

If you do not see the infographic, click here Wauquiez against Macron and Le Pen

To the question ” Would you vote for Laurent Wauquiez in the 2nd round of the presidential election against Emmanuel Macron ?”, 28% of the French answer “yes”, 39% answer” no”, 33% do not pronounce. If we exclude the undecided and those who do not intend to vote, we get 42% of yes and 58% of no. The same result as the Xavier Bertrand hypothesis against Emmanuel Macron.

To the question ” Would you vote for Laurent Wauquiez in the 2nd round of the presidential election against Marine Le Pen ?”, 36% of the French answer “yes”, 33% answer” no”, 31% do not pronounce. If we exclude the undecided and those who do not intend to vote, we get 52% of yes and 48% of no. This is a less flattering result than that of Xavier Bertrand.

If you do not see the infographic, click here Pécresse facing Macron and Le Pen

To the question ” Would you vote for Valérie Pécresse in the 2nd round of the presidential election against Emmanuel Macron ?”, 27% of the French answer “yes”, 37% answer” no”, 36% do not pronounce. If we exclude the undecided and those who do not intend to vote, we get 42% of yes and 58% of no. The same result as the Xavier Bertrand hypothesis and the Laurent Wauquiez hypothesis against Emmanuel Macron.

To the question ” Would you vote for Valérie Pécresse in the 2nd round of the presidential election against Marine Le Pen ?”, 41% of the French answer “yes”, 31% answer” no”, 28% do not pronounce. Excluding the undecided and those who do not intend to vote, 57% yes and 43% no. This is a better result than that obtained by his two rivals on the right.

If you do not see the infographic, click here