The polemicist Eric Zemmour would consider a bid for the presidential 2022, according to The Express. According to a survey YouGov for the internet user, 21% of French people say they are “in favour” of what he is in the race for the Elysee. And the opinions consider it as an alternative to Marine Le Pen.

And if the surprise of the presidential election 2022 came from the right, sovereignty and identity ? While the assumption of a rerun of the second round between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen takes shape – in the course of surveys published, the question of an alternative arises with more acuity : the election campaign approach and the French say they are mostly dissatisfied with this horizon that is accurate. To the right of the right, or rather in what is not a device called the “right outside the walls”, the reflection of the emergence of a nomination-new has matured in recent months. The Express tells us, in particular, in its edition of February 10, Eric Zemmour is considering the possibility to delve into the big bath. On Wednesday, Current Values publishes an Ifop poll crediting the polemicist of CNews a potential of 13% of the vote if he came to realize his candidacy.

the internet user and the opinion research institute YouGov focus also on the hypothesis. And the teachings of our investigation demonstrate that it would have some resonance. According to the YouGov poll, 21% of French people say they are “in favour” of a nomination of Eric Zemmour to the presidential election in 2022.

Zemmour better candidate than The Pen ?

The polemicist will there be energy – and shoulder – to face the trials of a political campaign as demanding as that of the presidential election ? Can he make it right so-called government and the formation of Marine Le Pen, more structured and has demonstrated that she was in the process of professionalization ? Unless a nomination of Eric Zemmour do rabatte the cards and gives the new grain to grind the activists and voters of the nationalist right ? According to our survey, the French are already divided on this point. 16% think that Eric Zemmour would make a “better candidate” than Marine Le Pen, 20% think that it would be a “less good” candidate. 41% believe that it would “neither better nor worse”. It should be noted that the men are in the 28% to say in favour of his candidacy, compared to only 15% of women.

But the investigation takes a different magnitude when we focus on the responses of those surveyed who say they are supporters of the right. These are, in fact, 27% believe that Eric Zemmour would make a better candidate Marine Le Pen, 24% think the opposite. Voters “left” are only 11% think that it would be better than the president of the RN to represent the nationalist right and 51% consider that these two candidates would be worth.