ures and a of infection with the novel coronavirus. In order to assert or refute a possible correlation, the Department of dermatology of the university Clinics Saint-Luc (Belgium) has carried out a study. 47 subjects, aged 26.5 years old on average, were included in this experiment. The research team reported in a press release that “more than half of them reported to have presented other manifestations suggestive of the Covid-19 (including fever, cough, cold, digestive disorders).” For each patient, several tests were performed including PCR tests, and serological detection of the Covid-19. Scientists have concluded that “the smears, nasopharyngeal and serology Covid-19 were negative for the 47 patients. The study does not, therefore, direct association between the frostbite and the Covid-19.” Scientists have advanced another hypothesis to explain the onset of chilblains in these people : the confinement and the sedentary lifestyle that it implies. Immobility can lead to a decrease of the blood perfusion at the level of the members, which would contribute to the development of frostbite.”

What are the symptoms aggravating the coronavirus ?

The infection related to the sars coronavirus becomes worrying when the people to “breathe more quickly than normal,” reported Dr. Pauti, who told his patients to call the 15 as soon as they perceive a shortness of breath. These aggravations brutal often intervene between the seventh and the fourteenth day. They are translated by a form of pneumonia, bilateral, with the radiologic appearance very particular. “The scanner, you can have virtual certainty” that it is the Covid-19, explained Pauline, a hospital doctor in the paris region.

Jessica J Manson, a specialist in inflammatory phenomena at the University College Hospital in London, said in the medical journal the Lancet : “The evidence is accumulating to suggest that a proportion of patients with severe forms of the Covid-19 are subject to a shock syndrome cytokinique.” In theory, in the case of infection the cytokines help regulate the immune actions. However, with “the storm cytokinique”, there is a runaway of the system, which leads to a reaction to a hyper-inflammatory.

coronavirus does it kidney problems ?

The novel coronavirus can affect the kidneys. Alan Kliger, a nephrologist at the Yale School of Medicine, is encrypted in the Washington Post : “Nearly half of people hospitalized as a result of the covid-19 have blood or protein in their urine.” More alarming, a survey reported by the journal reported that 14% to 30% of patients in the intensive care unit in New York and Wuhan (China), lose kidney function and require dialysis. Individuals with kidney disease are more susceptible to these exacerbations. In fact, they often present problems of diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular disease. However, Dr. Brad Rovin, director of the department of nephrology at the university of the State of Ohio, has notified to RFI that “many cases that had never had kidney disease before they develop serious kidney injury.” He explained : “depending On the severity and duration of infection during their fight against the Covid-19, these patients may develop chronic renal failure.” Dr. Brad Rovin has pointed out : “I think we will see the consequences of this illness in the services of nephrology in the long term.”

The coronavirus leads to-t-he of neurological disorders ?

Some patients with by the Covid-19 exhibit neurological disorders. A study published in the journal of the Association of american medicine (Jama) reported that over 214 chinese patients 36% had neurological symptoms, ranging from loss of sense of smell with nerve pain, and even seizures and stroke. If the loss of our landmarks are sometimes due to the lack of oxygen in the blood, certain health professionals evoke other hypotheses. The first is consequent to an immune response to the abnormal — a “storm of cytokine”, which causes an inflation in the brain called autoimmune encephalitis. The second is a direct infection of the brain : encephalitis viral. In order to know the origin of these disorders one data collection project is underway.

in addition, u.s. physicians have noticed an increase in cerebral vascular accidents (STROKE) in patients Covid+ young and middle-aged. In order to document this phenomenon, the Washington Post reported that three major medical centers in the u.s. is preparing to publish data. Pascal Jabbour, a neurosurgeon at the hospital, Thomas Jefferson, said that many cases present unusual features. Usually blood clots appear in the arteries that carry blood away from the heart. However, in patients of the Covid-19, the clots can also form in the veins and are more difficult to treat. Sherry H-Y Chou, a neurologist at the university hospital of Pittsburgh, hypothesized that these conditions would be consistent with “friendly fire”, that is to say, an immune response to be disproportionate. If you notice any symptoms of a STROKE (dizziness ; numbness or drooping of a part of the face, an arm, a leg or a part of the body ; problems élocutions…) contact 15 quickly.

hair Loss and Covid