In Thailand, first rescue operation in Tham Luang Cave was successful: four of trapped boys are in safety, according to head of rescue mission. The governor of Chiang Rai Province, Narongsak Osatanakorn, confirmed information. Previously, Ministry of Defence and Civil Protection Office had already spoken of six rescued.

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The boys are part of a football team. Eight of her teammates and her coach are still stuck in cave. You will also have to be patient: The next rescue operation is Narongsak to start in ten to twenty hours – divers would first have to freshen up ir breathing air supplies that had been used up in first phase.

According to governor, healthiest were first saved. They were brought by helicopter to a nearby hospital after ir rescue from cave. He met boys personally and y were in “best health,” said Narongsak. The stakes were also better than expected. All boys would have worn Narongsaks breathing masks and were guided by divers through tunnels. “I am glad that we have successfully completed our mission for first four,” said governor.

Children between ages of eleven and sixteen must swim and dive long way through cave system. It was planned that each boy would be accompanied by two professional divers. For rescue, boys were divided into several groups, Bangkok Post reported. A total of 50 foreign and 40 Thai divers are involved in deployment. Until recently, crisis staff assumed that rescue operation would take two to three days. After long preparations, rescuers had decided not to use m until Sunday morning. From ir point of view, it would only have become more dangerous to wait furr.

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The group has been included in flooded Tham Luang Cave in Chiang Rai Province since 23 June. She was surprised at an exploratory tour of sudden heavy rain. Nine days after ir disappearance y had been found. Since n y are stuck in a dry place about four kilometers inside cave.

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The use is considered to be difficult and dangerous. A diver was killed on Friday. Even professional divers need five to six hours to get from group to exit. In branched cave system re are dark and narrow passages with muddy water, strong currents and numerous turns and curves, air is poor in oxygen. In recent days, authorities have refore always considered wher or not diving action should be dared.

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The lack of oxygen and bad wear conditions increased pressure on rescuers. In next few days re will be heavy rainfall again. At location of group, oxygen content in air has fallen from 21 percent to 15 percent.

Parts of cave are still underwater. This means that boys for some parts need equipment of divers to move forward. The governor of province said that in past few days water level in cave had fallen sufficiently due to drainage measures. So now many parts could be done on foot. Australian paramedics had entered cave on Sunday to assess state of health of young. They would have confirmed, according to governor, that y were ready.