he had to work hard in order to be treated as a normal political party. Then, you also have to be able to stand up for their own policies. However, when one examines or calls into question the suggestion of the SD put forward in the united states, then, stamped, addressed in a systematic way, as a liar from the beginning of the sverigedemokrater. It is not worthy of a democratic discourse is built on knowledge and information.

anyone who reads the SD card’s budget to be in black and white, to be cut in teachers ‘ salaries. It is a fact, not a lie. However, the SD would like to, obviously, do not talk out loud about their own proposals – if the SD’s budget, to be voted on in parliament later in the autumn, as would the tens of thousands of teachers to risk it, a pay cut of several thousand dollars per month.
We will continue to strengthen the municipalities of
Jimmie Åkesson and the Oscar, the Eu makes an effort not to even bother to respond to it. Instead, they want to talk about the state budget. It makes me happy.

the Government will continue to enhance the resources available to local authorities over the next few years, as the needs of the welfare system is so great. The SD proposes that, instead of cuts, a pig job Placement, and återinförd fall-back of the national health insurance scheme. This would imply a strong deterioration of the municipal economy, with higher costs for both social assistance and labour market policies.

In a democracy, are scrutinised by all the parties. As long as the SD will continue to put forward the proposal, which affects all the professions, and the broad wage and salary earner groups, so you have to be able to withstand being scrutinized, and to stand up for their own policies. < / span> < / span>

Minister of education

READ MORE: : Anna Ekström: the SD wants to reduce the wages of tens of thousands of teachers. READ MORE: , Desperate to sossar trying to intimidate an entire profession by Isak Skogstad: It’s the most uncomfortable truths about the English school