Falls Settimo Mineo, the new capo of the Cosa Nostra after the death of Toto RiinaMaduro asked a exmagistrado Chávez eliminate Diosdado CabelloDrogas, terror and murder: the business of the “Baby Brawl” in Europe,

At six in the morning, in a coordinated manner, some 500 police officers and prosecutor’s office have carried out a raid simultaneously in more than one hundred establishments and homes in Germany, most Italian restaurants, and brothels, especially in the area of Cologne and Munich. is The German media reported up to 90 detainees in the “operation Donkey” , co-ordinated by Eurojust and involving also Belgium, Netherlands, and Spain, besides Italy, from whence comes the goal, the mafia of calabria, the so-called Ndrangheta , which controls a good part of the cocaine trafficking and people in Europe. The records in Spain have been concentrated in Mallorca. The police estimated that this mob moves annually 40 billion euros and part of that money is laundered in Germany.

“We were awakened by the traffic of vans of the police that estacionaban around the pizzeria, and after we have seen how they carried boxes filled with documents and computers. About the restaurant there is a dwelling in which they have arrested two people but we don’t know who they are, because it is Italian families that do not live much with the neighborhood but that relate more between them and I don’t think or even speak German,” said a neighbor to local media. “I can’t believe it, we have eaten in this pizzeria many times and never imagine that the owners were related with the mafia”, was amazed another resident of Colonia.

The families Mammoliti and Giorgi, who formed the clan “Pelle-Romeo” of San Luca, a small mountain village in the Aspromonte, dominate through this mob the routes of the cocaine coming mainly from Colombia to Dutch ports, and from there it is distributed throughout Europe. In the wake of the refugee crisis and the overcrowding of asylum seekers in the fields of the Italian coast, the mafia has extended its business in the last two or three years the traffic of persons . The main suspect who was chasing this raid is a restorative Italian 45 years of age, whose home and pizza have been registered. The Federal Criminal Investigation Office (BKA) has been limited to reporting on a statement of a “coup against the Italian mafia”, the result of a joint work of research, which began in 2016 under the european coordination of Eurojust, an Eu body in charge of judicial cooperation between the member States. According to a report by the Ministry of Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia on the Italian mafia, its alleged members carry in Germany a life rather unobtrusive and are often set as small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the catering industry.

In Germany, the raids have been carried out mainly in the cities rhenish Cologne, Leverkusen, Neuss and the district Rhein-Sieg and the Ruhr area, in the town of Recklinghausen and the district of Ennepe-Ruhr, on the part of the BKA, the Regional Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) and the Cologne Police. Two other records have taken place in Bavaria, east of Munich.

The ‘Ndrangheta takes a decade to cement their establishments in Germany and that presence came to light in August 2007 in Duisburg, with the execution shooting of six italians in front of the Italian restaurant “Da Bruno” due to the enmity between two clans mobsters in Calabria.