; that the SARS-CoV-2 can be sexually transmitted, it could be an essential element in the prevention of the virus”. The researchers have found that “abstinence or condom use can be preventative measures” for the positive patients. The authors recommended the conduct of additional clinical studies. At this stage, it is nevertheless important to remember that only the respiratory route is accepted as means of transmission of the coronavirus, and that no other study has confirmed a sexual transmission.

intrauterine transmission has she been proven ?

A French study, published in the scientific journal Nature Communications in July 2020, has confirmed the contamination of intra-uterine to the Covid-19. To do this, the research team of the hôpital Antoine-Béclère in Clamart (Hauts-de-Seine), has analyzed the case of a baby, of the male sex, born in France in march and suffering from neurological symptoms associated with the disease. “We have shown that the transmission from the mother to the fetus via the placenta in the last weeks of pregnancy”, explained to AFP the doctor, Daniele De Luca, the lead author of the study. After a battery of tests, it turned out that the viral load is the most important has been found in the placenta. “It went from there, through the umbilical cord, to the baby, where it is developed”, has developed the doctor Of Luca. The expert recalled : “The main message for pregnant women remains to avoid infection, hand washing, and social distancing”.

How to avoid contamination ?

to alleviate the possible contagion, it is necessary to observe the gestures barriers in addition to the rules of hygiene traditional. The mask, now mandatory in many situations, in business or in public places, now accompanies the French daily. The port of the visor is also practiced. But it should be pay attention to : if this plastic object can perhaps breathe better than a surgical mask or cloth, its protection is limited. The government has also indicated that the use of these “face shields” could be possible only “in addition to the wearing of a mask”. The expert in biological risk to the INRS Myriam Bouslama states that”it should be known that studies on the visors show effectiveness only when very close contact”.

The distance of one meter is also recommended since the beginning of the epidemic to avoid inhaling the droplets eventually projected through a patient. It’s the same as washing of hands regularly, to avoid contamination indirect, by inhalation of the particles at the moment when we touch the face, mouth, nose, or eyes. It is also recommended to greet each other without touching or shaking the hand of blow his nose into a handkerchief single-use and, in the event of coughing or sneezing, cover the nose and mouth with the bend of the elbow.

The French government has added new recommendations to this list in the fall. He also advises in the month of October 2020 to limit social contacts (6 minimum), and, since the month of November, to ventilate a maximum of the closed rooms, a minimum of 10 minutes three times per day.

The Covid-19 can be transmitted by animals ?

The transmission of the Covid-19 is still studied by scientists. The mode of contagion, the most common is that by the droplets but other questions still remain unanswered : is it that animals play a role in the transmission of infectious disease ? The answer is no according to the national Agency of sanitary safety of food, environment and labour (Anses). In a notice published on the 16th of October 2020, the Group collective expertise of emergency (GECU) of the Anses “considers that in the light of the scientific evidence currently available (epidemiology of the COVID-19, experimental studies, and natural), domestic and wild animals do not play, to this day, an epidemiological role in the maintenance and spread of SARS-CoV-2 at the national level, or even globally”. The GECU has added that “this distribution is, to this day, the result of a-to-human transmission efficient by the respiratory route”.

The Inlets are reminded, however, in its report that certain animal species are susceptible to infectious disease. In order to avoid “a potential risk of establishment of an animal reservoir other than the human”, the GECU recommends the greatest vigilance in certain situations. It should for example be careful in the contacts with the animals, especially in enclosed spaces, closed. This exhortation is also valid for “contact between Humans and susceptible species, under conditions of a high density of animals”. It happened in the netherlands and Denmark, in farming of minks. A mutation of the virus has been found in these little beasts, before they pass it on to the man.

If a person is positive for the virus, the Anses has indicated in its opinion that it is necessary that it avoids any close contact with animals. If this cannot be avoided, such as, for example, for care, the patient must wear a mask. It must also wash hands before and after touching the animal. These precautionary measures should be as followed if the animal is a species that is receptive, which is notably the case of the cat.

Add barriers

In October 2020, and many experts have stated that the wearing of the mask, which is obviously beneficial, n’&e