Thank you, Express-Times, for the Jan. 20 Star-Ledger editorial, “With sincerity — thanks Obama.” How refreshing it was to see such an eloquent appraisal of his vastly under-appreciated presidency.

He accomplished much, from giving 45 million Americans health insurance and saving the auto industry to protecting us from major terror attacks on his watch. All of this was achieved despite phenomenal and premeditated Republican obstruction.

By contrast, on his first full day, Donald Trump appeared before the CIA and delivered a self-aggrandizing speech, and blamed his much-publicized feud with the CIA on the media. As he stood before a backdrop of stars symbolizing the lives of all those who died in service to their country, he bragged about how many times he made the cover of Time magazine. CIA counter-terrorism expert Philip Mudd said that he was almost reduced to tears.

The following day, a smug Kellyanne Conway snapped that Trump would not be releasing his taxes, adding that no one seemed to care about them anyway —  thereby insulting hardworking, taxpaying citizens.

When asked if he will divest of his financial interests and avoid suspicion of profiting from the presidency, Conway implied that he will get away with all that he legally can.

Obama left the office nearly scandal-free and always strove to do what was ethical in principle. We owe him our gratitude. He was certainly not perfect, but he always strove to be, and that’s what makes America great.

He will be sorely missed by many.

Lorraine Grosset

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