The Turkish authorities got German school in western Turkish city of Izmir closed. The justification is that re is no legal basis for school. As German embassy in Ankara shared on Saturday, institution was closed on Thursday by regional authority of Ministry of Education of Turkey. Because of school holidays in Turkeyand, company currently rests in school, which is a branch of DerDeutschen Embassy School Ankara.

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“We will ask TürkischeRegierung to immediately explain reasons for closure of school,” German Embassy in Ankara informed. “The German schools in Turkeyand remain an essential element of cultural and bildungspolitischenBeziehungen between two countries.”

Headmaster Dirk Philippi said that a delegation from Izmir educational Behördenaus and Schulstandortim suburb of Urla had visited school and also stated in writing that “RechtlicheGrundlage” was missing. The building was subsequently sealed. The delegation accompanied by EinigenPolizisten appeared three hours after end of letztenUnterrichtstages.

180 children and adolescents affected

According to Philippi, non-profit school is officially recognized Alsdeutsche Foreign school and is structurally assigned to Consulate General in Izmir. According to director, around 180 children and adolescents aged between two and 20 years of age are registered re as well as in an affiliated nursery school. They are supervised by about 40 employees. The next school year will begin on August 27th.

“I firmly assume that it is a vorübergehendeSchließung,” said Philippi. You work around clock to understand what it’s all about: “The decision is in contrast to EinerGenehmigung we have.” These tribes from Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs undbesage that school should be operated. “It can be plain that education authorities nurDokumente missing.”