VACCINATION COVID. How many French people have-they received a dose or two of a vaccine against the Covid ? Here are all the digits and latest news on vaccination in France.

Contents Vaccination in France by region MAP – Vaccination by who’s department of Immunization in France by age Vaccination in the world latest news According to the latest figures from the ministry of Health, 8 516 790 people have received a first injection of vaccine against Covid-19 in France. 2 869 832 other were administered the second injection. Emmanuel Macron has announced an acceleration of the vaccination campaign, with a new timeline, during his speech on march 31. The vaccination will be extended to over 60 years of age as of April 16, and it will be over the age of 50 on may 15. “Starting in mid-June, the appointment will be open to all French and French under the age of 50 years,” he said, adding : “All the general practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and nurses are mobilized. In total, 250 000 professionals, doctors, pharmacists, firefighters, nurses, veterinarians are now ready to contribute to this great national effort”. The experts who are leading the investigation into the alleged links between the vaccine AstraZeneca and the case of blood clots have not found risk factors specific, has announced the european medicines Agency on Wednesday. “For the moment, the reviews have not identified a specific risk factors such as age, gender or medical history, including issues of blood clots for those very rare cases”, said the release of the EMA. How many people have already been vaccinated France region-by-region ?

Some areas of France managed to vaccinate more quickly than others in France. We note that for the time being, these are not the areas most affected by the Covid-19 that vaccinate the most. Attention, since the 26th of January, the data for the cumulation of people who are vaccinated do not originate from more of ARS, but the information system “Vaccine Covid (CAV-IF)” health Insurance coverage. The new calculation method generates a few alterations to the last figures released. Public health France specifies that “if the new injections are now captured over the water in Vaccine Covid, on the other hand some injections that have taken place since the end of December have not yet been entered retrospectively in Vaccine Covid”. And to add : “In some regions, the data Vaccine Covid are now more complete than the rise performed by the ARS, but in others this is not yet the case”.

Region People vaccinated (1st dose) at 29/03/2021 % of the population vaccinated (1st dose) at 29/03/2021 vaccinated Persons (2nd dose) at 29/03/2021 % of the population vaccinated (2nd dose) at 29/03/2021 Île-de-France 1 262 855 10.3% of the 355 128 2,9% Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 942 289 11.7 per cent 319 330 4,0% New Aquitaine 803 049 13.4% of the 295 907 4,9%), Hauts-de-France 765 256 12.8% On 197 297 3,3% Occitanie 732 357 12.4%, And 280 594 4.7 per cent Is Great, 725 939 13,2% 247 129 4.5% In Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’azur 673 658 13,3% 234 036 4.6% In Normandy 437 195 13,2% 148 313 4.5% In Britain 430 502 Of 12.9% 159 064 4.8% In the pays de la Loire 417 221 11,0% 153 001 4.0% of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté 385 788 13,9% 143 247 5.1% Of Centre-Val de Loire 296 895 11.6% Of 120 862 4.7% In Corsica 56 803 16.5%, And 21 135 6.1 per cent in The Meeting 35 537 4.1% From 18 123 2.1 per cent Martinique 11 972 3,3% 4 524 To 1.3%, French Guiana-8 811 3,0% 3 800 1.3 per cent Guadeloupe 8 749 2,3% 3 314 0.9 per cent Mayotte 8 581 3,1% 3 766 1,3% FAKE 952 2,7% 536 1,5% TOTAL 8 004 409 11,94% 2 709 106 4,04%

Get vaccinated against the Covid : the campaign is open to more than 70 years, the info

SCHEDULE of VACCINATION. Since Saturday, the vaccination campaign has been open for over 70 years, here’s what you need to know.

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How many people have already been vaccinated in France by department ?

Department People vaccinated (1st dose) at 29/03/2021 % of the population vaccinated (1st dose) at 29/03/2021 vaccinated Persons (2nd dose) at 29/03/2021 % of the population vaccinated (2nd dose) at 29/03/2021 North 328 319 12,7% 88 289 3.4% In Paris 316 090 14.7% of the 88 959 4,1% Bouches-du-Rhône 246 887 12,1% 89 120 4.4% In Pas-de-Calais 213 959 14.7% of the 41 274 2.8% In the Rhône 201 375 10.7% In 58 596 3.1% In Gironde 198 679 12,2% 63 079 3,9% Alpes-Maritimes 182 201 16,9% 56 507 5,2% Moselle 166 473 And 16.1% 58 970 5.7 percent in the Seine-Maritime 166 056 13.4% of the 51 809 4.2% In the Hauts-de-Seine 163 037 10.1% To 44 770 2.8% In Hérault 151 981 12,9% 48 939 4,2% Isère 147 111 11.6% of 46 804 3,7% Yvelines 144 544 10,0% 38 397 2.7% In Loire-Atlantique 142 881 9,9% 51 156 3.6% In Val-de-Marne 141 581 10.1% To 41 497 3,0% Var 139 223 13.0% For 48 293 4.5% Of Haute-Garonne 136 954 9,8% 50 403 3.6% For Seine-Saint-Denis 131 861 7,9% 37 256 2.2 per cent Lower Rhine 128 553 11,4% 46 853 4,1% Essonne 124 966 9,5% 37 645 2,9% Seine-et-Marne 121 708 8,5% 33 185 2.3% In Ille-et-Vilaine 120 771 11.2 percent to 42 527 3.9 per cent in the Val-d’oise 119 068 9,5% 33 419 2.7% In Finistère 118 835 13,1% 43 761 4.8% In the Pyrénées-Atlantiques 102 165 15,0% 36 672 5.4% Of Maine-et-Loire 97 084 11,9% 33 875 4.2 per cent Gard 97 025 13,0% 34 761 4.6% In Morbihan 96 934 12,8% 37 931 5.0% In Haut-Rhin 95 821 12,6% 35 752 4,7% Meurthe-et-Moselle 95 462 13,1% 27 056 3.7% In Charente-Maritime 95 172 14.7% of the 40 154 6.2%, In the Côtes-d’armor 93 962 15.8% of 34dominican 8.40 South America 8.39 Argentina 8.29 China 7.97 Russia 7.66 Costa Rica 7.55 World 7.41 Macao 7.31 Latvia 07.06 Bulgaria 6.60 Hong Kong 6.54 Mexico 5.74 Nepal 5.49 Asia 5.28 Belize 5.13 Azerbaijan 5.03 India 4.57 Sao Tome and Principle 4.44 Sri Lanka 4.22 Suriname 4.18 Indonesia 3.94 British 3.86 Montenegro 3.24 Bangladesh 3.23 Jordan 3.14 Lebanon 03.04 Oman 2.74 Rwanda 2.69 Peru 2.44 Bolivia 2.36 Australia 2.34 Albania 2.23 Guiana 1.97 Malaysia 1.92 Cambodia 1.77 South Korea 1.68 Palestine 1.61 Oceania 1.50 Senegal 1.48 Ghana 1.35 Ecuador 1.33 Jamaica 1.11 Salvador 1.08 Equatorial Guinea 0.87 New Zealand 0.86 Moldova 0.84 Africa 0.77 Japan 0.75 Malawi 0.64 Kazakhstan 0.59 Paraguay 0.58 Laos 0.56 Guatemala 0.55 Ukraine 0.53 Go 0.51 Zimbabwe 0.47 Philippines 0.46 Tunisia 0.45 Honduras 0.43 South Africa 0.42 Cap-Green 0.39 Belarus 0.32 Angola 0.26 Guinea 0.26 Macedonia Northern 0.25 Gambia 0.22 Kenya 0.17 Pakistan 0.16 Iran 0.15 Thailand 0.15 Mozambique 0.15 Uganda 0.15 Afghanistan 0.14 Ivory Coast 0.14 Nigeria 0.13 Sierra Leone 0.13 Georgia 0.12 Iraq 0.07 Venezuela 0.05 Viet Nam 0.05 Taiwan 0.05 Bahamas 0.03 Namibia 0.01