bcg PASTEUR VACCINE. In a statement, the Pasteur Institute has announced the end of its main vaccine while announcing the development of other candidates.

Summary The vaccine in nasal spray to the study Cost and conservation of the vaccine Pasteur vaccine available soon ?

This 25 January, the Pasteur Institute has announced the end of his main project of vaccine against the Covid-19, a failure for France after the delay of the vaccine of Sanofi. Based on the virus of the measles vaccine, the Institute says in a press release that the latter is not effective enough, according to interim results of clinical trials. “In these studies to first in human, the candidate vaccine was well-tolerated, but the induced immune responses have proven to be inferior to those observed in people who have been cured of a natural infection as well as to those observed with authorised vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19,” explains Pastor in its press release. A few minutes later, the u.s. laboratory Merck has also announced the end of his research on this vaccine.

However, “the Institut Pasteur will continue development of other vaccine candidates that have reached the end of the preclinical phase, and maintains its strong commitment to scientific to combat the epidemic of Covid-19,” explains the press release. “The first, administrable by inhalation, is being developed with the biotechnology company TheraVectys, a result of the Pasteur Institute and specialist in the development of vaccines. The second is a candidate DNA vaccine. These two candidates are now in the preclinical phase.”

A vaccine in nasal spray to study

The branch lille-the institution is working not on a vaccine injection, but on the creation of a vaccine in the form of a nasal spray. The director of research at the Inserm, the researcher Camille Locht, explained to the microphone of BFM Lille on Wednesday 16 December 2020 that”instead of injecting with a needle in the arm, one sprinkle it over the nose with this vaccine”. This method is not a first, as a nasal vaccine against influenza already exists, even if it remains less widespread. Camille Locht, who also acts as director at the Center for Infection and immunity of Lille, stated that he and his teams were “in the process of developing it also for another respiratory disease, which is the whooping cough”.

A vaccine that is less expensive and with a conservation easy ?

The vaccine comes in a nasal spray has several advantages, according to the researcher. The first concerns the administration of the vaccine in the nose. “Our vaccine will induce immunity in the nose. The nose is the scope of entry for the virus Covid”, has he supported. In addition, Camille Locht added that the vaccine of the Pasteur institute would be “a very good market [since]it is sufficient simply to make a great culture of a bacillus (a bacterium, ed.), harvesting the bacteria from the freeze-dry and it is ready to use”.

storage conditions of The vaccine are also simpler to apply than that of Pfizer, for example, that requires storage at extremely low temperatures. The nasal spray can be stored at 4°C for at least two years. “Compared to the vaccine, Pfizer, that should be preserved in freezers at -80°C, it has the advantage of logistics to the distribution of the vaccine,” stressed Camille Locht.

When the vaccine will be available ?