The vaccine of Pfizer and BioNtech will soon be available in the countries of the european Union, after the validation of the european medicines Agency.

Summary Vaccine Pfizer Biontech Date of arrival of the vaccine Vaccine Pfizer France Vaccine Pfizer in the world

[updated 21 December at 17h28] This time, the first vaccinations in the countries of the european Union is approaching really. This Monday, the european medicines Agency (EMA) pronounced, with a week ahead of the original schedule, in favour of the placing on the market common of the vaccine developed by the duo composed of Pfizer and BioNtech. After the first injections in the United States and the United Kingdom, the vaccine the american-German is on the verge of spreading throughout the european Union, and naturally in France.

While the government has repeated that the vaccination campaign could begin before the end of the year 2020, the remaining steps before the distribution of the vaccine of Pfizer seem to be formalities. The first will take place as soon as this Monday evening : the european Commission should embody the green light policy at the EU level, before the States-members will take the relay. As soon as this Tuesday, so if all goes well, the High authority of health, the EMA French, should look at the case of the american vaccine, and German.

An authorisation should be given “in the next few days”, as stated by the government spokesman Gabriel Attal in the report of the Council of ministers, on Monday, confirming that France would “snap” his campaign of vaccination “with a european coordination at the end of this week”. Other important information to note, this same vaccine, whose effectiveness has been assessed at over 90%, could also be against the new strain of the Covid-19 discovery recently in the United Kingdom. Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the european Commission, boasted yet this Monday, the vaccine Pfizer as “a safe and effective vaccine”, despite the mountain of adverse effects, and especially of allergies in the United States and the United Kingdom.

What is the effectiveness of the vaccine, Pfizer Biontech against the Covid ?

The laboratories the united states and germany have published early results of the phase 3 clinical trials. It is the last one before that are consolidated with the results of a formal authorisation of the health authorities, which has since been done in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. In its press release issued on 18 November, the duo of american-German ensured that his vaccine was 95% effective, without giving further details. Since then, a medical journal very famous in the United States, The New England Journal of Medicine, has published the full results of clinical trials and has confirmed this number, finding the whole of “triumph”.

When the vaccine Pfizer will it be accessible ?

The vaccine of Pfizer is already available in the Uk, it has been administered to older people and carers, the priority in the immunization schedule of the uk. In the United States, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has yet to give its approval to and to authorize a vaccine to the condition that it has a protection of at least 50% of the people who receive it.

When the vaccine Pfizer will it be available in France ?

the placing on The market of the vaccine of Pfizer shall be effective only after review by the european medicines Agency (EMA). It is already in progress. The european Union said, through the voice of the president of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, that an order of 300 million doses was on the verge of being finalized. The european Union has indicated that it guaranteed “equal access” for all member States for vaccines against the coronavirus. Given the time imprescriptible validation and distribution, it is likely that the vaccine from Pfizer is available in France in the beginning of the year 2021, but the health authorities will have to assess the “clinical data” of the respective vaccine.

country In which the vaccine Pfizer will it be available ?