SPUTNIK V. Criticized for its quick design, the vaccine Sputnik V, however, an efficiency of 91% according to a study. Here’s what you need to know about the vaccine Russian.

Summary vaccine Efficacy Sputnik V Composition vaccine Sputnik V side Effects of the vaccine Sputnik V In which country is distributed the vaccine ?

last fall, Russia claimed that its vaccine was effective in 92% to combat the pandemic of the sars coronavirus. Criticized by the speed of its creation and its lack of transparency, the latter causes distrust of the Europeans and the rest of the world… A rounding error ? On 2 February, a very serious study published in the scientific journal The Lancet validates the words of the Russian scientists, Sputnik 5 is effective at 91.6% against the forms symptomatic of the Covid-19. “The development of the vaccine Sputnik V was criticized for its haste, the fact that it was burned down steps and a lack of transparency. But the results reported here are clear and the scientific principle of vaccination is demonstrated”, found two british scientists, professors Ian Jones and Polly Roy, in a commentary accompanying the study in the Lancet.

What is the effectiveness for the vaccine Sputnik V ?

This study from the Lancet, therefore, Sputnik V among the vaccines with the most efficient, with those of Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna effective around 95% but using the messenger RNA. In detail, the data collected by scientists independent from the last stage of clinical trials of the vaccine, phase 3, which covers nearly 20 000 participants. The participants in the trial conducted between September and November all have received two doses of vaccine or of placebo at three-week intervals. Every time it was accompanied by a PCR test. In the days following the administration of the second dose, a test PCR was performed in individuals that developed symptoms. In total, 16 volunteers on 14 900 who had received two doses of the vaccine have been tested positive (or 0.1%), compared with 62 on 4 900 who received the placebo (1.3%). However, the authors of the study explain that “the analysis of efficiency focuses only on the symptomatic cases”. “Further research is needed to identify the effectiveness of the vaccine on the asymptomatic cases and on the transmission.”

How is formed the vaccine Sputnik V ?

The vaccine Sputnik V is a vaccine to “viral vector”, that is to say that it is based on other viruses, are rendered harmless and suitable for combat the Covid (technique used by the vaccine AstraZeneca/Oxford). In the technical details of its design, then the vaccine AstraZeneca is based on a single adenovirus of chimpanzee, the Sputnik V Russian uses two human adenoviruses different for each of the two injections. According to its designers, the use of to recall an adenovirus is different from that of the first injection may induce an improved immune response.

What are the side effects of the vaccine Sputnik V ?

At the present time, there are still few data on the side effects of the vaccine, Sputnik. But according to an analysis of the laboratory, Gamaleya Research Institute – Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, “no serious adverse event was detected during the first injection. On the other hand, “a side effect was more common after the second injection. Pain at the injection site was reported by 58% of the participants (52.6 per cent with the vaccine that was frozen and 63.2% with the freeze-dried). Adverse events systemic the most frequent were fever (52% of the participants on all of the subjects included in the two trials, 81.6 per cent with frozen vaccines, with 23.6% with the freeze-dried), headache (respectively 42%, 52.6 per cent and 31.6%), asthenia (respectively 28%, 44,7% and 10.5%), and muscle pain, and joint pain (respectively 25%, to 28.9% and 23.7%).”

The vaccine distributed in Europe ?