VARYING COVID. The variant uk of the coronavirus, which circulates in France since the holidays, it would display a progression of concern in the Ile-de-France, according to the words of the Pr Rémi Salomon, president of the medical commission of the AP-HP…

Contents Variant of the Covid France Card movement of variants in France Variant of the Covid-to-Paris and Ile-de-France Variant English of the Covid Variant of south africa’s Covid-Varying brazilian Covid Ranging from california to the Covid-Varying bavarian Covid-Varying, changing or new strain ? Variant more contagious ? Variant more serious ? Variant of the Covid children between Covid and masks Variant resistant to the vaccine ? The mutation E484K

The variant uk coronavirus is exploding in Ile-de-France ? This is what is suggested by Pr Rémi Salomon, president of the medical commission of the public Assistance-Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP), Tuesday, February 2, on France Info. According to him, the variants would account for 15% to 20% of new cases detected in Paris and throughout the capital region. Referring to a “traffic very intense of the virus,” he believes that the latest results, even partial, are “not good” and suggests “exponential growth”. “It was closer to 6% on January 7 and is mounted to 15-20% in the past week”, has alerted Rémi Salomon on the radio station, predicting an “acceleration of the epidemic”.

Finding that the measures announced by Jean Castex Friday there were “probably” not sufficient” and advocates including the closure of schools, Rémi Salomon, therefore, has clearly put pressure on the government. “Even if we have the impression that (the epidemic curve) will cup a little, this is a false good news. Behind a traffic very intense of the virus. My colleagues in Marseille are for 30-40% of deprogramming. They have a head start on us,” he worried. “What we observe is a steady rise in admissions to hospital, and one begins to consider déprogrammations. It is an extremely complicated, the teams are at the end of the roll”, he assured, then the number of people hospitalized in the Ile-de-France is actually growing, as shown by the recent local data on the Covid.

As if the bad news was not enough, a communication of the health authorities in the uk recently reported that the mutation E484K, present on the variant B. 1.135 detected in South Africa, and P. 1 detected in Brazil, had also been identified in a few cases, English is infected with the variant B. 1.1.7, in other words, the variant of the uk. It is a study dating back to mid-January and updated by Public Health England, the health agency british, who reported the information : the mutation considered as the most dangerous of the Covid-to-date, has been detected in 11 sequences of the virus on 214 159 analyzed on the 26th of January. Until now, the varying says “English” to the Covid seemed not to be affected by this mutation considered at this stage as potentially problematic for the effectiveness of the vaccines.

How many are there in case of variants of the Covid France ?

at this stage, it appeared that the variant uk’s Covid circulated in France, as well as the variant of south africa, to a lesser extent. No information about the presence of other variants (brazilian, californian…) has not yet been released. It was at Tours that the first positive case in the variant of English has been detected, Friday, December 25. It was a Frenchman, resident in London, who was staying at the Towers since 19 December. Since, it is apparent that the VOC 202012/01 has spread in the territory, probably well before its detection. What to say to the president of the scientific committee Jean-François Delfraissy, invited to France Info radio on 13 January, it was already too late to completely prevent this mutation of the Covid-of-travel in france. “We can only slow it down, you can’t block this variant English,” he assured, saying it was “very concerned”.

In his last point weekly epidemiological unveiled this Thursday evening, public Health France, reported in the January 27, 2021, “304 cases of infection with variants emerging” whose “299 cases of the variant 20I/501Y.V1 (identified in the United Kingdom) and 40 cases of the variant 20H/501Y.V2 (identified in South Africa)”. “No cases of the new variant 20J/501Y.V3 has emerged in Brazil has been identified in France,” says the agency of health, which states that this count does not include “possible cases of secondary, or even tertiary, recorded during the investigation and which have not been the subject of a sequencing”.

This census is only partial and public Health France states that the consolidated results of the Flash survey conducted on 7 and 8 January 2021 on the tests, RT-PCR positive for SARS-CoV-2 (read below) show that the cases of Covid-19-related variant 20I/501Y.V1 accounted for 3.3% of the cases diagnosed by RT-PCR, or about 4 200 cases in week 01 (4 to 10 January – NDR) among the cases reported in SI-DEP”.

Map : what are the regions of France most affected by the variants of the Covid ?

on Thursday 28 January, public Health France has presented two maps of France, believing the movement of the variants of English, and south africa in the territory. According to these maps, all the regions of France