To chants from union protesters, new Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens signed legislation Monday making Missouri the 28th right-to-work state in the nation. Republican House. Republican Senate. Republican governor. Done, done, done.

By comparison: When Gov. Bruce Rauner two years ago championed a scaled back right-to-work concept — local, voter-approved right-to-work zones, not a statewide proposal — it got no traction in the Democrat-led General Assembly. A bill introduced by House Speaker Michael Madigan to test its popularity, and to embarrass Rauner, got zero "yes" votes. No support whatsoever.

Right-to-work laws — which are a threat to unions because they remove mandatory membership dues as a condition for employment — are an important tool in attracting businesses and especially manufacturing jobs. Just ask lawmakers, economic development recruiters and big employers in Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky and now Missouri, our neighbors who have adopted right-to-work laws.

We wonder how lucrative the wagers have gotten between governors Terry Branstad, Scott Walker, Eric Holcomb, Rick Snyder, Matt Bevin and Greitens on which of their states will be next to poach an Illinois business or job or taxpayer. Here’s what each of them is thinking: By right-to-work and so many other measures, Illinois is chasing away employers. Can I steal jobs there?

We aren’t here to argue that Illinois should be the 29th right-to-work state. We’re here instead to warn that while Illinois lawmakers deadlock on policy reforms that would attract more jobs here, including reforms struggling to get support in the Senate, the six surrounding states have positioned themselves to attract more jobs there, there, there, there, there and there.

When will Illinois lawmakers recognize that the house is on fire? When will they make job creation, job retention, their do-or-die priority?

With Democrats controlling the House and Senate, and even Republican lawmakers in the General Assembly preferring to duck the issue, Illinois won’t be a right-to-work state any time soon. One community that tried on its own, Lincolnshire, had its right-to-work ordinance struck down by a federal judge.

But right-to-work laws in every border state are all the more reason for Illinois to make itself attractive to employers. We agree with Illinois Chamber of Commerce President Todd Maisch that if lawmakers won’t even debate right-to-work legislation, they have to get behind other pro-growth policies — tougher workers’ compensation laws, tax credits to encourage businesses to locate or expand here, fewer nanny-state regulations and schools that better prepare students for the workforce.

Property taxes here are among the highest in the nation. And certain parts of the state aren’t just jobs deserts, they’re becoming depopulated deserts. More people moved away from Illinois during the last two years than from any other state in the country. Many moved to other Midwestern states. So don’t repeat the lie that it’s the weather.

Here’s what else a prospective employer sees in Illinois: No state budget in nearly two years. A credit rating nearing junk status. Inability to pay bills as they come due, a basic definition of insolvency. And political impasse in the General Assembly. An attempt at compromise legislation to get a budget passed hit a snag in the Senate on Wednesday. Senators, keep working.

Iowa enacted a right-to-work law in 1947. Michigan and Indiana in 2012. Wisconsin in 2015. Kentucky in January 2017. And now Missouri.

Yet which state in this region most needs a jobs rebound? The most dramatic intervention? The most ambitious pro-business reforms? Illinois.

We realize the very phrase "right-to-work" is toxic in Illinois.

We wish another phrase were toxic, too: "Good jobs are leaving our state."

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