

Support all students

Re: “More school choice is rallying cry; Some lawmakers agree with crowd at Capitol, but others don’t,” Metro, Jan. 25:

As a half of a childless couple, I was surprised by Kathryn Dormady’s argument she should not have to pay taxes to support public schools because her children attend private schools. By that logic, my wife and I shouldn’t pay school-supporting taxes at all. Moreover, Ms. Dormady wants public tax dollars to fund a portion of her child’s private education.

I’d suggest she abandon her tax argument unless she wants the value of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s proposed education savings accounts (or whatever name they use for school vouchers next) to be greatly reduced. For if she shouldn’t pay taxes for public education, why should I pay taxes to educate her children at all?

My wife and I pay our taxes in the expectation that they support all children — not just those who can find a private school to accept them.

William O. Pate II

A heavy toll

Re: “Agency backing 1604 toll lanes,” front page, Jan. 24:

It seems that if taxpayer funds are used to build roads, then taxpayers should have free use of said road. This road is at least 20 years behind trying to keep up with North Side growth.

I’m OK with toll roads, but give the taxpayer who funded this project a discount when using it.

Charles Ogle

Price of populism

Re: “North American trade war feared after talk of tax,” front page, Jan. 27:

President Donald Trump says the wall could be financed by a 20 percent tariff on Mexican imports.

Who pays these tariffs? The American public would pay because suppliers to American consumers would have to raise prices on Mexican goods to recover higher costs that now would include a 20 percent tariff.

What does Mexico export to the U.S.? Automobiles, delivery trucks, auto parts, electronics, televisions, computers, cellphones, crude oil, fruits, vegetables and beer. All may be 20 percent more expensive to the American consumer.

And in Trump’s trade war, Mexico will almost certainly impose its own tariffs on major imports from the U.S., including engines, pumps, vehicles, refined oil, plastics, medical equipment, tires, corn, soybeans and steel.

Higher prices for Mexican consumers will result in lower demand for American products. So, in addition to higher prices for every American consumer driving a vehicle built in Mexico to a restaurant serving guacamole and margaritas, American producers exporting to Mexico will see lower sales.

If this is populism, leave me out.

Reagin McAllister

What gives?

Let me see if I have this correct.

First, the Democrats and the mainstream press said President Donald Trump wasn’t a legitimate president because the election was jeopardized.

Now, when Trump questions voter fraud, they say, “You won; you are legitimate.”

A.J. Clark

To tell the truth

Re: “Vote fraud claims repeatedly found to be unproven,” Nation, Jan. 27:

Alternative facts can exist only in an alternative universe.

The best response would have been, “Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?”

Rick Reyes, Boerne

True prayers

Re: “Trumps dressed to impress,” Nation & World, Jan. 21:

The Rev. Robert Jeffress has established a reputation for thrashing Mormons, Catholics, Muslims, gays and President Barack Obama.

Apparently, none of this kept Donald Trump from inviting him to deliver the sermon at a prayer service preceding the inaugural ceremony. And the good reverend assured the new president that God would not oppose walling out Mexicans.

All this is in stark contrast to the mood set later at the National Cathedral’s public prayer service, where various faith leaders prayed for the nation, for peace, justice, charity and for dismantling the obstacles (walls) that deter good will among people.

The new president would do well to ponder these particular prayers.

Roger Siptak

Choosing to boycott

Re: “Lost patriotism,” Your Turn, Jan. 25:

Your disgust should be directed where it belongs — at Donald Trump, perhaps the biggest liar in political history. According to the, during the campaign, 72 percent of his statements were lies.

The choice not to attend is a freedom that makes the U.S.A. the great nation that it is.

Carlota Sierra

Tweet strategy

For many of us who believe we have the first president in U.S. history who is neither qualified nor competent, there remains the problem of what to do about it.

I have an idea: Let’s keep quoting back to him what he actually says to provide accurate summaries of his behavior. Unlike other public figures, he is incapable of just letting it roll off him. No, he must tweet a nasty response, no matter how absurd his comment. He will be so busy responding that he won’t have time to mess up the country. And he’ll end up alienating nearly everyone. Then you can take it from there.

Richard S. Pressman

New circus in town

Isn’t it ironic that Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus is ending its great historical journey in America, while the Trump cortege arrived in all its splendor in Washington, D.C.?

Of course, no disrespect to Ringling Brothers.

Lawrence Kohler

Why the pardons?

I don’t know why we give our presidents the power to pardon criminals. Isn’t our justice system supposed to make that determination?

Barack Obama (and other presidents) put people back on the street who are most certainly going to kill people.

It’s time for a constitutional amendment — now.

Kelly S. McMakin

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