After years of planning, the tramway project will become more concrete for the citizens of Quebec, with the start of construction in the summer of 2023.

We will start with the operations and maintenance center, in the Chaudière sector, as well as the entrance and exit of the tunnel, in upper and lower town.

The work schedule will be presented to citizens following the selection of the private partner, in the spring.

But before the mechanical shovels activate, there are still a few steps to take. First, at the beginning of the year, the City expects to receive the environmental decree authorizing the work for the Saint-Roch portion in D’Estimauville.

Then, it must wait for a decision from the Council of Ministers that will allow it to move from planning mode to implementation mode.

This decision, expected in March, will be based on the business case filed in early 2023.

Mayor Bruno Marchand promised during the election campaign to achieve zero homelessness in Quebec by 2025.

During the first year of his mandate, he maintained this objective, but was criticized by the opposition who considered his actions too timid.

The mayor intends to achieve this in collaboration with organizations and the health network. In 2023, however, this promise will be scrutinized.

Mr. Marchand repeats that zero homelessness does not mean zero homelessness, but rather zero chronic homelessness, that is to say to limit as much as possible the number of people who spend three months or more on the street.

At the beginning of the year, he must make a trip to Vancouver, struggling with a serious problem of homelessness.

The collection of food materials in purple bags has already started in November and December in certain districts of Quebec, but it is really in 2023 that it will extend to all sectors of the city.

After Haute-Saint-Charles and Charlesbourg, it will be the turn of Sainte-Foy–Sillery in January, Rivières and L’Ancienne-Lorette in February, Beauport and Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures in March and La Cité-Limoilou in April.

The Municipality wanted to proceed gradually, to give itself time to adjust the small glitches that could arise along the way.

Thus, the materials will be sent to the new biomethanization plant, which cost at least $190 million.

The biogas that will be produced by the plant will be sold through an agreement signed with Énergir.

Very few details have leaked since the announcement of a new version for the third link project, last April.

The Legault government had then shelved the idea of ​​a gigantic six-lane under-river tunnel.

He now favors a four-lane twin-tube between downtown Quebec and Lévis, at a revised cost of $6.5 billion.

Despite repeated requests from its opponents in the election campaign, the CAQ systematically refused to reveal the studies it already had in hand.

Prime Minister François Legault has however promised to make public a new opportunity study at the beginning of 2023.

This study should allow us to learn more about the feasibility of the project, the location of its exits in Quebec and its impacts on the territory.

The saga on the painting of the Quebec bridge could finally come to an end in 2023.

At least that’s what negotiator Yvon Charest, hired in 2019, believes to resolve the stalemate that persists between Ottawa, CN (current owner of the bridge) and the Quebec government, which also has a say.

Its mandate has been extended until January 31, 2023 and it is certain to conclude, by then, the agreement on the takeover of the bridge by the federal government.

According to the preferred scenario, it will be necessary to invest $784 million over 25 years to maintain and repaint the rusty century-old bridge.

It remains to be seen who will pay what. Quebec refuses to pay more than its rent of $ 10 million / year for the use of the roadway and the approximately $ 200 million that it will inject to redo the deck.

Remember that the federal Liberals had promised, in 2015, to settle this file in six months.

Concerned about climate change, Mayor Bruno Marchand is seriously considering implementing “zero emission” zones in Quebec City in the coming years.

Pilot projects could even see the light of day in 2023, he said, anxious to reduce greenhouse gases in a city where 64% of GHGs emitted come from the transport sector.

In these well-defined areas, polluting vehicles – or even all vehicles – could be banned altogether.

The formula remains to be defined, but the mayor mentioned Old Quebec, where increased pedestrianization could be tested, then the future Chaudière pole which will see the light of day.

Mr. Marchand says he wants to focus on active mobility and repeats to anyone who will listen that he is not trying to wage war on the car.

After years of debate and procrastination, the new police station in Charlesbourg should normally be delivered in November 2023.

This 14,500 square meter building, located at the intersection of Autoroute Laurentienne and Boulevard Louis-XIV, required an investment of $114.3 million.

By grouping most of the police activities in this strategic location, the municipal administration hopes to “optimize resources and services by targeting the flexibility, performance and efficiency of the organization, with the aim of responding in an optimized manner to the citizens’ needs, which are the feeling of security, improved proximity and an appropriate rapid response, ”we explain.