He will also hold an informal meeting with Spanish businessmen and will seek to boost Spain’s attractiveness for investors.


The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, will meet this Wednesday morning within the framework of the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland) with the top executive of Siemens Energy, Gamesa’s parent company, Christian Bruch, and will later meet with the CEO of the pharmaceutical company Sanofi, Paul Hudson, to later meet with Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s greatest fortunes.

The marathon succession of meetings planned on the Spanish president’s agenda in Davos also includes this Wednesday a meeting with Google’s president of global affairs, Kent Walker, and a subsequent lunch organized by the multinational for around 90 people in which they will discuss questions about technology and AI, after which he has scheduled a meeting with the CEO of Fujitsu, Takahito Tokita.

Apart from contacts with foreign multinationals, the President of the Government will hold an informal meeting this afternoon with the Spanish business delegation present in the Swiss town, where Ibex 35 heavyweights will attend, in order to maintain an exchange of impressions.

According to the agenda of the Forum organizers, Spanish business leaders such as Ana Botín, president of Banco Santander, will be present in Davos; José María Álvarez-Pallete, president and CEO of Telefónica; Ignacio Sánchez Galán, president and CEO of Iberdrola; Carlos Torres, president of BBVA; Josu Jon Imaz, CEO of Repsol; Francisco Reynés, president and CEO of Naturgy, or Rafael del Pino, executive president of Ferrovial. The CEO of Cepsa, Maarten Wetselaar, will also attend.

Apart from the economic meetings, where Sánchez will highlight the good macroeconomic data with which Spain has closed the year and the good prospects for the country, the President of the Government will hold two meetings with international media, including an interview with the CNBC network on Wednesday morning and another hours later with Bloomberg.

Likewise, prior to his speech at the World Economic Forum, which will take place this Wednesday afternoon, Sánchez will take part in a closed-door meeting with political leaders, analysts and heads of international organizations to address the situation in the Middle East and its implications.

In Sánchez’s speech before the Forum, the Spanish president will talk about the international situation, challenges such as AI and the evolution of the Spanish economy.

The president’s objective is to prioritize economic issues on his agenda to expose Spain’s attractiveness as an investment destination.

Tomorrow, Thursday, Davos will host the intervention of Nadia Calviño in a colloquium in which she participates as president of the EIB, in what represents her debut as a representative of the organization in a major international event, in which she will share space with Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the president of the Eurogroup, Paschal Donohoe.

Since its creation in 1971, the conclave, better known as the Davos Forum, aims to bring together annually senior executives from major global companies, heads of state, ministers, influential political figures, renowned academics, representatives of organizations, young people, as well as as well as representatives of technological innovation and civil society.

In its 2024 edition, under the motto “Rebuilding trust”, the series of conferences and meetings will bring together more than 2,800 leaders from 120 countries in search of promoting dialogue, cooperation and partnerships on global issues such as economic growth , climate action, energy security, technological governance and human development, as well as the geopolitical situation.

Among the most relevant international figures who plan to speak at the Forum, Javier Milei stands out, who is attending Davos for the first time as president of Argentina, in addition to other leaders such as the French president, Emmanuel Macron, or Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Comission.

Likewise, the European Union will also have the presence in the Swiss Alps of the president of Poland, Andrzej Duda, and the prime ministers of Belgium, Alexander De Croo; Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis; and Netherlands, Mark Rutte.

Outside the EU, one of the most relevant figures to participate in Davos will again this year be the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, while Isaac Herzog, president of Israel, is also expected.

On the other hand, neither of the two great world powers will have their main representative in the Forum, since the US embassy will be led by Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, while China has confirmed the presence of Li Qiang, Prime Minister.