
Elon Musk faces allegations of sexual harassment and retaliation from eight former SpaceX engineers who filed a lawsuit against him on June 12. The engineers, four women, and four men, claim that Musk created a hostile work environment by sharing sexual photographs, memes, and commentary that demeaned women and the LGBTQ+ community. They also allege that crude and demeaning names were used for products, such as the name ‘Upskirt Camera’ for a camera on the Falcon rocket.

The lawsuit further claims that Musk fired the engineers in retaliation for an open letter they wrote in 2022, addressing his behavior. When an HR official suggested a formal investigation before termination, Musk reportedly replied, “I don’t care — fire them.” The open letter, shared with over 2,600 employees, expressed concerns about Musk’s public behavior and its impact on SpaceX’s image.

SpaceX and Musk have not yet responded to the lawsuit. SpaceX has previously denied any wrongdoing and stated that the fired employees violated company policies. The lawsuit follows a report by the Wall Street Journal alleging sexual misconduct by Musk, including making advances towards women at SpaceX. SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell defended Musk, calling the allegations “untruths” and praising him as one of the “best humans” she knows.