
Highway 103 in Halifax faced some unexpected challenges recently due to emergency repairs that led to partial closure. The road closure caused inconvenience for many residents in the area who rely on internet services provided by Eastlink. The company reported that the road work damaged its lines, resulting in a service outage for some customers.

Although the highway has since reopened, repair work is still ongoing to restore internet connectivity to all affected areas. Eastlink has made progress in getting some people back online, but there are still residents in Western Halifax and St. Margaret’s Bay who are experiencing disruptions in their service. The company is working diligently to ensure that everyone is reconnected as soon as possible, with the goal of completing all repairs by Friday night.

It is crucial for residents in these areas to stay informed about the progress of the repair work and any updates provided by Eastlink. In the meantime, efforts are being made to minimize the impact of the service outage on the affected communities. Local authorities are also monitoring the situation closely to ensure that necessary support is provided to those experiencing difficulties due to the internet service disruption.

As we navigate through these temporary challenges, it is important to remember the resilience of the community and the dedication of the service providers working to resolve the issue swiftly. By staying patient and informed, residents can help facilitate a smoother restoration process and ensure that everyone is back online without further delay. Let us all work together to overcome this obstacle and emerge stronger as a community.