The March for Science on Washington D.C. has an official date : April 22, Earth day, organizers announced Wednesday.

As one million people joined the Women’s March on Washington and its sister protests across the country, organizers began planning a march for science. Marsbahis Activists are also planning a “People’s Climate March,” which will happen just a few days after the March for Science on April 29 in D.C. and across the nation.

The planned marches come after President Donald Trump’s administration deleted climate change references from the White House website (Trump has previously said global warming is a hoax.) His transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency is reportedly planning massive cuts at the agency and ending funding for scientific research. His administration also barred the Environmental Protection Agency from posting social media updates and speaking to the press. The marches also come after Trump signed an executive order allowing for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota access pipelines, which activist groups have deemed dangerous for the environment.

March for Science organizers also emphasized minorities in the science community are being affected by Trump’s policies.

“In the past days, scientists have voiced concern over many issues – gag orders for government science agencies, funding freezes, and reversing science based policies,” stated the March for Science site. “We recognize that these changes will differently and disproportionately affect minority scientists, science advocates, and the global communities impacted by these changes in American policies.”

The March for Science will take place in Washington D.C., but like the Women’s March, those who can’t make it to U.S. capital can find a protest near them. The March for Science organizers released a Twitter list of official accounts of the Science March DC and sister cities. The list includes major cities, such as New York, San Francisco, Denver, Houston, Chicago and international cities including London, Paris and Toronto.

You can check out the list here or go on the March for Science website to find a protest near you.

The People’s Climate March was announced recently by the Sierra Club.

“There is no denying it: Donald Trump’s election is a threat to the future of our planet, the safety of our communities, and the health of our families,” said the march’s site.

The march will be held in Washington D.C. and across the country. The last People’s Climate March was in 2014 in New York City, where more than 400,000 people gathered.

This year’s climate march will coincide with the end of Trump’s first 100 days in office.

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