The Ibex 35, the main indicator of the Spanish market, was trading in the mid-session with a slight drop of 0.09%, which took it to 10,050.9 integers, still pending Grifols, which shot up more than one 8%, and on the eve of knowing the inflation data in the US.

On the one hand, Grifols has announced that it will take legal action against Gotham City Research “for the significant damage caused, both financial and reputational” to the company.

The bearish fund published a report this past Tuesday in which it accused the pharmaceutical company of manipulating its debt ratios and gross operating profit (Ebitda) to artificially reduce leverage, for which it warned that its shares would be “non-investable.” . After the publication of the report, Grifols shares lost 42% in this Tuesday’s session, finally ending with a decline of 25.91%.

On the other hand, the pharmaceutical company managed to reverse part of the fall in the mid-session on Wednesday and led the rise in the Ibex 35 with a revaluation of 8.11%. Behind them were Indra (1.21%), Colonial (1.16%), Merlin (0.84%) and Rovi (0.81%).

On the other hand, Banco Sabadell was the ‘red lantern’ with a fall of 2.06%, followed by CaixaBank (-1.37%), Bankinter (-1.35%), Acerinox (-1.31%) and Sacyr (-1.27%).

Apart from Grifols, the main references that the market expects are, on the one hand, the US December CPI and the start of the earnings season in the American country. Specifically, it will be the large American banks that will give the starting signal this Friday.

In Spain, the Public Treasury has ordered six banks to place today a new 10-year syndicated issue maturing on April 30, 2024, according to sources from the Department headed by Carlos Body.

For their part, the rest of the European indices were trading with slight increases: 0.10% in Frankfurt and Milan, and 0.06% in Paris. Only London accompanies the Madrid market in the falls, since it lost 0.21% in the mid-session.

In the raw materials market, the price of a barrel of Brent quality oil, a reference for the Old Continent, stood at $77.60, 0.01% higher, while Texas rose 0.06%, to the 72.28 dollars.

In the currency market, the price of the euro against the dollar stood at 1.0949 ‘greenbacks’, while in the debt market, the interest required on the 10-year bond fell to 3.124% and the premium risk stood at 95 basis points.