The Ibex 35 registered a fall of 1% at noon this Friday, reaching 10,079.9 points, weighed down by all its components, which were heading towards a negative sign, and awaiting release this afternoon of the official employment report of United States in December.

The selective has started with a downward trend that has caused it to lose 10,100 points shortly before midday, a level at which the index has been throughout the first week (the stock markets did not open on Monday due to the New Year holiday) 2024, moving with indecision as a respite after the strong bullish ‘rally’ of the last two months of 2023.

Regarding the employment report in the US, Banca March experts have assessed that it is “the most important employment report in recent months, as it will be the first after the Fed’s pause became official and, like every January, in this presentation the review of the 2023 series will be carried out.”

For its part, this morning it was published that the interannual inflation rate of the eurozone accelerated in December to 2.9% – one tenth less than expected – from 2.4% the previous month, which represents its highest reading since last October, according to Eurostat’s preliminary estimate. This development could delay the ECB’s decision to lower rates expected by analysts.

Likewise, the market has learned that the industrial producer price index of the eurozone registered a monthly decline of 0.3% last November, after having increased three tenths the previous month, while in the European Union the data fell 0.2%, after having risen in the same proportion in October, according to Eurostat data.

In Spain, the Iberia handling strike called by CCOO, UGT, USO and the Intercentro Committee began this Friday after the failure of negotiations to avoid it. It will last until January 8 and has involved the cancellation of 444 flights between the group’s three airlines: Iberia, Iberia Express and Air Nostrum.

Given this situation, in the middle section of the negotiation, the largest declines within the Ibex 35 were recorded by Solaria Energía (-2.7%), Fluidra (-2.53%), Acciona (-2.11%), Colonial Real Estate (-1.94%), Acerinox (-1.87%) and Inditex (-1.84%).

The main European stock markets also opted for declines at midday: Milan was down 0.63%; Frankfurt 0.81%; London 0.93% and Paris 1.16%.

At the same time, the price of a barrel of Brent quality oil, a reference for the Old Continent, stood at 77.74 dollars, 0.18% more, while Texas rose 0.43%, to 72 $.51.

In the currency market, the price of the euro against the dollar depreciated 0.3%, to 1.0911 ‘greenbacks’, while in the debt market, the interest required on the ten-year bond was at 3.156% after adding five basis points and with the risk premium (the differential with the German bond) at 99 points.