Reopened circulation of R4, R7 and R12 in both directions on a single track


The balance of those affected by the train crash at the Montcada i Reixac – Manresa station (Barcelona) has risen to 150 slightly injured and five less seriously injured.

According to a tweet from the Medical Emergency System (SEM) collected by Europa Press, the emergency services have transferred three people in a minor condition to different health centers.

The circulation of trains on lines R4, R7 and R12 has been restored in both directions through a single track between Montcada Bifurcació and Terrassa (Barcelona), Renfe sources have informed Europa Press.

One convoy collided with the other from behind at around 7:50 am: an hour later the Generalitat Fire Brigade already considered the affected train fully evacuated and no one has been trapped in the convoys.

Renfe has activated the protocol established for this type of incident with the collaboration of Civil Protection and the Medical Emergency System (SEM), which has moved 18 units to the site; The Mossos d’Esquadra have also come.

Civil Protection has activated the railway emergency plan of Catalonia (Ferrocat) in the alert phase and Renfe has explained that the causes of the accident are being investigated.