Air links between France and Morocco are suspended until further notice in an attempt to curb the Covid-19 pandemic. Entry requirements, PCR test, open places in major cities of Morocco, repatriation flights, the update on the latest information on the health situation in the kingdom.

Summary Borders Quarantine Measures Aircraft

[Updated April 28, 2021 at 11: 15 am] The state of health emergency has been in force in Morocco since March 20, 2020 and is extended every month since that date. As part of the state of emergency, Morocco’s air, land and sea borders are closed.

The Moroccan authorities have decided to suspend, from Tuesday 30 March 2021 and until further notice, air links between Morocco and France. In this context, it is recommended that French people in Morocco approach their airline in order to examine the modalities of their return to France. Maritime links between France and Morocco are also suspended. No crossing of land borders is possible, in either direction. This concerns, in particular, the border crossing points with Ceuta and Melilla, as well as with Mauritania (Guerguerat)

As a reminder, France has taken the decision to charter special planes and ferries to repatriate their thousands of nationals stranded in Morocco. It has indeed obtained authorizations for special routes in the direction of Morocco-France, with several flights in the month of April. On Twitter, the French Embassy in Morocco explains that you must inform and make your reservations with Air France and Transavia regarding these repatriation flights. A PCR test carried out less than 72 hours before departure and concluding that there is no contamination by Covid 19 remains mandatory for boarding and access to French territory. These special flights are in great demand and sold almost instantly, it is advisable to approach the French Embassy in Morocco

She notably recalled that special flights operate only in the Morocco-France direction. “In case of exit from Moroccan territory and until further notice, given the suspension by the Moroccan authorities of air links from France, people residing in Morocco will not be able to return,” the embassy wrote on Facebook.

Has Morocco reopened its borders to the French ?

The state of health emergency has been in force in Morocco since March 20, 2020 and has been extended every month since that date. As part of the state of emergency, Morocco’s air, land and sea borders are closed until further notice. However, Morocco has authorized the resumption of air and sea connections to allow certain categories of persons to enter and exit Moroccan territory. All persons travelling to Morocco must present a negative PCR test of less than 72 hours at boarding. While flights between France and Morocco are suspended until further notice, special passenger flights from these two destinations, will be subject to enhanced controls, in accordance with the health protocol defined by the competent Moroccan authorities,” said the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Moroccan citizens, regardless of their situation Foreign citizens with the status of residents in Morocco. Members of the immediate family (spouses and children) of Moroccan and French citizens residing in Morocco, whatever their nationality, are allowed to enter the territory, upon presentation of a certificate that will be issued to them by the Consulate of Morocco in France near their place of residence (supporting documents to be presented to the consulate : copy of the resident card of the family member and document justifying the relationship). Foreign citizens traveling to Morocco for an official mission or to a private company, provided that they present a copy of the supporting document provided by the institution that invited them. This proof must be sealed by the company and signed by a manager with all the information concerning the traveler (passport number, RC, object of the visit, place of accommodation, etc.) Foreign citizens not subject to visa formalities, who have a confirmed reservation in a hotel establishment Does Morocco impose a quarantine on foreign tourists ?

No quarantine is required upon arrival in Morocco. If you have a negative PCR test of less than 72 hours, you can return to Moroccan territory without isolating yourself.

What are the distancing and hygiene measures in place in Morocco ?

Morocco has extended a state of health emergency. The wearing of the mandatory mask remains mandatory and police controls have been strengthened in recent weeks in different cities of the country. Gatherings are prohibited, mosques, cinemas and theaters remain closed.

The curfew is implemented throughout the national territory from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. and from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. during the month of Ramadan. Restaurants, cafes, shops and supermarkets close every day at 20h. These measures are aimed at responding to “the evolution of the epidemiological situation at the global level and the appearance of new variants of the virus in neighboring countries”, according to the statement.

Have the airports reopened, with which company to go to Morocco ?