The executive has planned four major steps for the reopening of the public-friendly venues. The European health and tourism pass can be used in digital version as well as in paper format for trips abroad to and from France after deconfinement.

Summary First version Mandatory or not Restaurants To go to Spain To go to Corsica Paper or digital version TousAntiCovid Notebook Debate in the EU

[Updated on April 30, 2021 at 16: 55] In an interview with the regional daily press, including Le Parisien, Emmanuel Macron unveiled his plan to gradually reopen the country. As announced by the government, the health pass will not be used on a daily basis but the executive will also not restrict it only to trips abroad.

“The health pass will never be a right of access that differentiates the French. It is not mandatory to access everyday places such as restaurants, theaters and cinemas, or to go to friends. On the other hand, in places where crowds gather, such as stadiums, festivals, fairs or exhibitions, it would be absurd not to use it. As is the case with our civil liberties, Parliament will take up the matter. The debate must be open “says Emmanuel Macron, in an interview with the regional press”.

In fact, foreign tourists going to France will have to have a health pass from June 9 in order to present their vaccination certificate or their negative PCR test. The European Parliament has validated the idea of a Covid-19 European certificate that would facilitate travel within Europe. The future of this passport now depends on negotiations between the European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission.

What will the future European vaccine passport look like ?

According to a poll published by Le Parisien in mid-January, 62% of French people voted in favor of mandatory vaccination for people wishing to fly to go abroad. Since then, the question of a health passport has made a lot of talk : what is the name to give it, will it be mandatory to travel to Europe ? The” digital green certificate”, a health passport version of the European Union, was unveiled by Commissioner Thierry Breton in charge of vaccines in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The first version of the health certificate that will be implemented this summer was presented at the end of March. On smartphone or on paper, it will include a QR code, your name and surname, date of birth, gender, passport number, social security number and the type of vaccine with the date of injection of doses if you have been vaccinated.

Is the health pass mandatory ?

Guest on the show “the Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI”, Thierry Breton indicated that the health passport would not be mandatory. It is primarily intended to facilitate travel within the European Union and accelerate a general reopening. Thus, it may be requested before boarding a flight, or crossing a border. Only in the absence of a certificate, a negative Covid test will be required to ensure that you are not a carrier of the virus : “We are developing in parallel a capacity to have rapid antigenic tests. []] We are investing very heavily,” he said.

Will the sanitary pass be mandatory in restaurants ?

Emmanuel Macron unveiled a progressive deconfinement schedule and detailed the contours of the health pass: “ The health pass will never be a right of access that differentiates the French. It is not mandatory to access everyday places such as restaurants, theaters and cinemas, or to go to friends. On the other hand, in places where crowds gather, such as stadiums, festivals, fairs or exhibitions, it would be absurd not to use it , ” he revealed.

Will a health passport be required to travel to Spain ?

France e pays is already experimenting with the health pass on some flights to Corsica. This should soon be the case for overseas departments, and then for border countries such as Spain. In the long term, the European health certificate could indeed be requested from all members of the European Union who wish to go from one country to another. The goal is to allow all Europeans “to attest that they have been vaccinated against Covid-19, that they have passed a PCR or rapid antigenic test that has proven negative, or that they are immune after being infected” explains l’Express.

For the time being, any passenger who has to travel to Spain by air or