All patent tests are maintained face-to-face, the Minister of Education confirmed on April 22. Dates, tests, results… take stock.

Summary Patent 2021 cancelled ? Dates of the tests Points and mentions Results of the patent 2021 Results of the patent by city and academy Replacement session

[Updated on April 22 , 2021 at 19: 54] “The patent is maintained as such” , announced the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer during the press conference on April 22 on the return to school and the start of progressive deconfinement in France. “We want to ensure exams in attendance by ensuring strict sanitary conditions,” he said, while he confirmed in parallel the maintenance of the written test of philosophy and the grand oral of the baccalaureate as well as BTS tests in face-to-face.

On April 6, in a videoconference with high school students from the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, from the Elysée Palace in Paris, Emmanuel Macron had answered the following question: “Will the patent be canceled or not ? The head of State had then replied “No, we all hold”, signaling the maintenance of the four tests of the patent of colleges. “Hide your joy”, the president then humorously launched to the student author of the question. Dates, tests, results… Visit this special page to know the key information of the passage of the 2021 patent in France.    

What are the dates of the 2021 patent tests in France ?

Here are the dates and times of events of the patent 2021 in France, according to the ministry of Education :

In france, Réunion and Mayotte

Monday, June 28, 2021

9am – 10 : 30am: French 1st part (of grammar and language skills – reading comprehension
and skills of interpretation – dictation) 10: 45 – 12 : 15 pm: French 2nd part (editor) 14h30 – 16h30 : Mathematics

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

All candidates (except in the event of foreign language reserved for individual candidates)

9am – 11am : History and geography / teaching of moral and civic 13: 30 – 14 : 30 Science (physics and chemistry and / or life sciences and the Earth and / or technology *) 15h-16h30 : foreign Language

* Two disciplines on the three

In Guadeloupe and Martinique

Monday, June 28, 2021

8: 30 am – 10 : 30 am: Mathematics 13h – 14h30 : French part 1 (of grammar and language skills – reading comprehension
and skills of interpretation – dictation) 14h45 – 16h15 : French 2nd part (editor)

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

All candidates (except in the event of foreign language reserved for individual candidates)

8h – 9h : Science (physics and chemistry and / or life sciences and the Earth and / or technology *) 9: 15 – 11 : 15 am: History and geography / teaching of moral and civic 13h30 – 15h : foreign Language

* Two disciplines on the three


Monday, June 28, 2021

9: 30am – 11 : 30am: Mathematics 14h – 15h30 : French 1st part (of grammar and language skills – reading comprehension
and skills of interpretation – dictation) 15h45 – 17h15 : French 2nd part

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

All candidates (except in the event of foreign language reserved for individual candidates)

9am – 10am : Science (physics and chemistry and/or life sciences and the Earth and/or technology*) 10: 15 – 12 : 15 pm: History and geography / teaching of moral and civic 14h30 – 16h : foreign Language


Monday, June 28, 2021

10: 30 – 12 : 30 pm: Mathematics 15h – 16h30 : French 1st part (of grammar and language skills – reading comprehension
and skills of interpretation – dictation) 16h45 – 18h15 : French 2nd part (editor)

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

All candidates (except in the event of foreign language reserved for individual candidates)

10am – 11am : Science (physics and chemistry and/or life sciences and the Earth and/or technology *) 11h15 – 13h15 : History and geography / teaching of moral and civic 15h30 – 17h : foreign Language

* Two disciplines on the three

How are attributed to the particulars of the patent, colleges 2021 ? 

The marks for the college certificate are normally established as follows, bearing in mind that the marks “Good” and “Very good” are eligible for a merit scholarship in high school under certain conditions detailed by the Ministry :

at least 480 points obtained (12/20) : mention “Good enough” at least 560 points obtained (14/20) : mention “Good” at least 640 points obtained (16/20) : mention “Very good”