
Public information fundamental

I am outraged at the communications lock-down the president has placed on EPA and the departments of Agriculture and Interior. This is of no...

Forgetting Lady Liberty

The plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty reads, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,...

End death penalty for all

I find it strange that the Washington Legislature is considering abolishing the death penalty for the criminal population, but the federal government plans to...

Donald Trump has Europeans worried; talk of ‘darkness and hatred’ sweep the continent

The next four years are going to be a "rough ride." That's Germany's foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel, responding to a...

US hits 13 people, dozen companies in new Iran sanctions

WASHINGTON -- The Trump administration on Friday imposed sanctions on 13 people and a dozen companies in response to...

Portland Police and racial bias: Letter to the editor

There is troubling timing involved in the City of Portland's decision to allow the Community Oversight Advisory Board, which...

Peaceful protest is an integral part of our democracy

Two weeks ago, more than 20,000 men, women and children spilled into the streets of Santa Ana in solidarity, a signal that when our...

Housing prices too high? Blame environmentalists

There’s much to love about California: the sunshine, breathtaking beaches, high-quality colleges and universities, and the incredible cultural diversity, to name just a few....

Santa Ana following in Irvine’s footsteps?

In recent news that is likely surprising to no one, Irvine is a financially well-managed city. That’s according to a recent study from Marc...

Teen not guilty of vehicular homicide that killed classmate, report says

WILMINGTON, Delaware -- A 19-year-old was found not guilty on charges of vehicular homicide that left his Salesianum classmate dead, according to...

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Overstated Street Earnings in Q2 2024: A Closer Look at S&P...

Questioning the EarningsAs the Q2 2024 earnings season comes to a close, investors are left questioning the overstated earnings reported by S&P 500 companies....