Highlights the opportunity that the FCAS can provide to “strengthen the industrial fabric of the Basque Country and Navarra and its competitiveness”
Indra has met with representatives of the Basque and Navarrese aerospace industry to seek ways of collaboration that extend the impact of the largest collaborative defense program in Europe, the FCAS – the future European combat air system -, as reported by the company. it’s a statement.
In collaboration with the Aeronautical Technologies Center (CTA) of Miñano (Álava), Indra has organized the “FCAS Industry Day” to learn about the most advanced capabilities and technologies available to the aerospace industry in the Basque Country and Navarra and explore those possibilities to collaborate.
As national industrial coordinator of the FCAS, Indra has explained the current situation of the program in its Phase 1B and has detailed its challenges and opportunities, with the aim of trying to “involve local companies in the present and future of the project and thus extend the impact of the project”.
The meeting has brought together large companies from the aerospace and defense sector, as well as other entities, SMEs and startups that have been able to share their most cutting-edge capabilities and that could fit into the program.
In fact, I attended the Aciturri event there; Aernnova; Anterally; CEIT; Gemini; flying; IDEC; ITP; Multiverse Computing; Novatronic; Orbital; Peta Optik; SAPA Placencia; Sener; Soc; Tecnalia; technician; and ULMA
In the case of ITP Aero and Sener already participate in the FCAS, leading at the national level, in the first case, the engine pillar that will be integrated into the fighter, and in that of Sener, through the SATNUS consortium together with GMV and Tecnobit, leading national participation in the Remote Carriers and Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUT) pillar.
The FCAS program, in which Spain, France and Germany participate equally, develops a system of systems that consists of a new generation fighter, teaming up with a series of remote operators, all of them connected and working as a single entity thanks to to the combat cloud, which interconnects the complex in real time and with other air, land, naval and satellite platforms.
As explained by the company, it requires mastering cutting-edge dual-use technologies, civil and military, such as drones, advanced sensors, connectivity, cloud or edge computing, and for its development Indra wants to “incorporate the most advanced industry in the country , reinforcing its backbone and driving role in the innovative ecosystem”.
“The FCAS is a unique program that we must take advantage of to transform our industry and turn it into a highly innovative ecosystem, since it offers us the opportunity to develop disruptive technologies that today seem like science fiction and that will be key in the mid-21st century. As coordinator of the program, at Indra we are committed to seeking innovation wherever it is found and incorporating the most cutting-edge proposals from each territory,” said the director of Indra’s FCAS program Sebastián Laiseca during the day.
For his part, Daniel de Lorenzo, Business Director of Indra’s FCAS program, has highlighted “the exceptional capacity and highly qualified talent” that the Basque and Navarrese industry presents to face the challenges that the project faces, without forget “the opportunity that the FCAS can represent to strengthen the industrial fabric of the Basque Country and Navarra, its competitiveness and capacity for innovation, promoting its contribution to the technological sovereignty of Spain.”
Indra has organized the “FCAS Industry Day” with the collaboration of the CTA of Miñano, an aerospace technology center specialized in validation of technologies for the development of aerospace materials, structures and systems with a high R&D activity component, which has a renewed unique wind tunnel in Spain that will allow research, testing and developing new technologies for the sector.