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18 Spanish universities are positioned among the 30 best training centers that offer a Spanish-speaking Online MBA according to the Ranking of Online Higher Education (FSO) carried out, for the ninth consecutive year, by the consulting firm specialized in market studies Hamilton Global Intelligence in alliance with the Emagister training portal
Barcelona, April 8, 2024.- The MBAs of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Universidad de la Rioja (UNIR), OBS and Esic Business School occupy the first four positions in this new edition of the FSO Ranking, in which More than 200 universities from Spain, the United States and Latin America participated (Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Guatemala, Honduras, Guatemala and Puerto Rico). While the Universities Centrum PUCp of Peru, UDLAP and TecMilenio of Mexico, EAN and Unad de Colombia, Inter Metro of Puerto Rico, Westfield State University of the United States, Istmo of Guatemala and the American School of Management of Honduras are among the 30 best valued in America. In this new edition of the Market study carried out by Hamilton, which aims offer information that allows comparison of the training offer offered by the institutions that teach MBS, more than 4 thousand students and alumni participated, a total of 120 indicators were evaluated and the opinion of the academic managers of these programs was consulted. In the study, the 92.7% of those surveyed stated that they had found a job after completing the MBA. 89.1% said they were satisfied because they considered that the program exceeded their expectations, while 75% of those surveyed stated that their employment situation improved (students can achieve a salary increase of up to 33.7% in Spain).Ferran Ferrer, CEO of Emagister, the leading training recommendation portal in Spain, agrees that master’s degrees in business administration and management are a lever that allows young people with work experience to take the professional leap they expect “An MBA It is a tool that increases employability and exponentially improves the profile of any professional in the labor market.” In that sense, he recommended that all those who are considering signing up for an MBA enter the Emagister site www.emagister.com to compare the different offers that exist in the training market and find the one that best suits the needs of the student.
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