The music played elsewhere when Green Bundestag faction on Friday noon quietly chose its tip. In light of decisions published in morning, “combative” was Groko, said Katrin Göring-Eckardt The few press representatives who found way to Marie-Elisabeth-Lake house.

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Shortly before, y and ir party friend Anton Hofreiter were confirmed in ir offices as group chairmen – with rar medium-magnificent results. Four years ago, when Göring-Eckardt had a competitor, she got 65.3 percent of vote, this time it was 67.7 percent without a counter-candidate. For Toni Hofreiter, it had been 80.3 percent at that time, now 66.1 – he wore it with version. You take results “as an incentive,” two said bravely.

Where cross-wing frosting came from, interpretations went apart. The mood at realists – that is what individual members say – was not very good. The fact that it was simply impossible to give Umfragenkönig Cem Özdemir a place in first row of group triggered desperate mauling. No one really had a good solution. To maintain peace between wings, both could not have been allowed to enter, it was said. “Before choice between Cem and Katrin,” said a leading Realo, “We would have decided with great distance for Cem.”

Özdemir is not capable of being a

But neir Hofreiter nor Göring-Eckardt wanted to retire, but instead appeared as a duo. It was not reasonable for party left to withdraw ir candidate Toni Hofreiter in order to leave lead to two realists.

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Özdemirs in interviews and press statements, common interpretation is that group simply cannot cope well with social prestige, as it has acquired it. That did not give him any additional sympathy internally. Some say that he is not really capable of working with people; His loyalty applies to Baden-Württemberg and no one else. No party chairman has ever so often voted against majority of group, such as Özdemir.

In any case, willingness to support him was not particularly pronounced, because for a while it looked like federal Executive Board would in future be led by two realists – hopefuls Robert Habeck and deputies Annalena Baerbock. To leave all four top posts to realists – even if y are those who can blink well and auntically on left – that was a bit much to ask for. With candidacy of left Anja Piel, who might not be a victory, but a respectable success, situation on this front has calmed down a little.

Anti-authoritarian leadership style

Immediately after failure of Jamaica negotiations, “continued so” at Bundestag group’s head seemed plausible. The election result was not exhilarating, but better than feared. And it was precisely anti-authoritarian style of leadership of Hofreiter and Göring-Eckardt, which allowed many members freedoms and profiling opportunities, and was precondition for fact that party had never seemed as united as in those autumn weeks.

This unity, willingness to compromise, friendliness and commitment for which two are standing, have also been rewarded by voters. It has been a long time since we were arguing about green core issues (actually absurd, that man’s existence issues so called) were so informed and interested. Until now, Greens still feed on this credit in polls. They were temporarily at six percent in autumn and felt cold breeze of extra-parliamentary party already in neck – now y stand at twelve percent, often before Lindner-FDP, who could not accept willingness to compromise with m.

But what looked good yesterday as an “anti-authoritarian leadership style” can quickly appear as an inability to give party political impetus to “go into risk,” as Joschka Fischer put it. “This is what we need right now,” says Bavarian MEP Dieter Janecek: “Do not just carry on as usual, but also have courage to instigate something controversial, new.”

No matter if it comes to a new Groko or not – as smallest opposition party, Greens simply have to fight not to sink into insignificance. In two years, Green faction chooses new. The fact that tip will look like today is considered excluded.