The US has suspended sanctions against Iran for anor 120 days. This leaves nuclear agreement with Islamic Republic in place. The refusal of US President Donald Trump to confirm that Iran is complying with agreement remains unaffected. Trump has repeatedly challenged it in past and threatened to get out. In October he spoke of “numerous violations” of Iran against agreement and called for a revision by Congress. A withdrawal from United States from agreement would make it virtually meaningless.

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The suspension of sanctions was extended one last time, White House announced. The US president called on European States to participate in an amendment to agreement. The “horrible gaps” of agreement would have to be eliminated, he said. If this does not succeed within four months, United States would cancel agreements. According to White House, direct talks with representatives of country are not foreseen.

The sanctions of United States have been suspended since veto powers of UN Security Council and Germany with Iran 2015 have agreed on an atomic agreement. Since n, US President must decide every 120 days wher this should continue to apply.

Part of nuclear agreement is a normalization of economic relations with Iran. This also includes reduction of sanctions. In return, Iran undertakes to limit, for at least a decade, essential parts of its nuclear programme to such an extent that nuclear weapons cannot be built. This is monitored by IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, which certified Iran to comply with agreements.

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The US Treasury, however, was expected to impose furr sanctions that are not related to Iran’s nuclear program. They address, among or things, country’s missile programme, against support and financing of international terrorism and violation of human rights.

The US accuses Iran of opposing idea of nuclear agreement, among or things, with funds for Hezbollah in Lebanon. Although agreement is maintained in its technical specifications, Iran continues to be hostile and aggressive.

In US and Europe, it is feared that US government’s action will make path to reform in Iran more difficult. The country is currently experiencing serious protests. There is tension between spiritual leadership around Shiite Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and more liberal president, Hassan Ruhani.