“Are all humans human? Or are some more human than others?”

Lt.-Gen. Roméo Dallaire can testify to how the dehumanization of others can destroy entire societies. His experiences in Rwanda have been well chronicled, witnessing a horrific genocide that the world stood by to watch.

Hatred knows no boundaries, it knows no borders, and it knows no limits.

When it infects a heart, it can lead to devastating consequences. Here in Canada, we saw this last week in Quebec City. But there are ways to combat hatred, to stand up to it, to neutralize it, and, dare we hope, replace it with love and compassion.

We are living in a world that feels unhinged, but we cannot forget that various communities have gone through countless upheavals, oppressions, and discrimination in the past — and still experience systemic racism and marginalization even today.

Whether we are seeking justice for indigenous communities, or calling for an end to racial profiling of black communities, or standing up to anti-Semitism wherever it appears, this is part of a critical and necessary struggle. We must include Islamophobia in that struggle.

For the vast majority of fellow Canadians who are committed to living peacefully with their neighbours, to raising their families in communities that are safe and accepting of all, there is a lot of confusion. How can we on a day-to-day level make a difference? Albeit heartwarming and so welcome, it must go even further than standing at vigils, marching in rallies, and sending cards.

We all have to understand that our governments have a responsibility to stand up for the rights and dignity of all its citizens, newly arrived, and well-established; original inhabitants and refugees. This is perhaps the most important challenge of our time when division and fear are expedient ways for some politicians to gain support in their quest for power. It is also a time where fake news means that misinformation has become regular fodder for those with agendas of hate. Where can we turn, except to our governments, which have the resources to help combat this scourge?

Sadly, when it comes to standing up for Canadian Muslims, freedom of expression is often used as cover for opposing meaningful action. The current motion to study and understand systemic racism and religious discrimination in Canada, tabled by MP Iqra Khalid, is under attack by those who pretend that this motion is about silencing critique of Islam.

It is highly unlikely, given that their criticisms are out of touch with the content of the recommendations, that the critics of the proposed Bill even read it. However, understanding the real meaning of the proposed legislation would not have stopped the critics. Why? It must be understood that beyond ignorance, and genuine questions about Islam and Muslims, there are those who are ideologically opposed to giving Muslims any rights at all. As VICE news reporter Ben Makuch discovered in a recent investigation of the white nationalist Soldiers of Odin, there is an irrational fear of a Muslim takeover, full stop.

In the United States, over $40 million has been spent to perpetuate stereotypes and to spread misinformation of Islam and Muslims between 2001 and 2009, according to a report titled “Fear Inc.” This means our struggle to stand up for the human rights and freedoms of Muslims in the West is all the harder when there are real efforts to poison minds about their presence.

Tragically, this feeds into extremist narratives on either side. Daesh wants nothing more than to convince Canadian Muslims that they cannot belong here, that they will never fit in. And anti-Muslim white supremacist actors are bent on spreading fear of Muslims. This inevitably leads to violence.

Stuck in the middle are majorities of people who look for leadership and guidance. Our governments can both show the way and follow civil society’s lead in creating strong, robust communities where policies and programs can help cure this harmful social ill. Because we are all equally human.

Debbie Douglas is the executive director at the Ontario Council for Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI), Bernie M. Farber is the executive director of the Mosaic Institute in Toronto and former CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress. Ihsaan Gardee is the executive director at the National Council of Canadian Muslims.

Debbie Douglas is the executive director at the Ontario Council for Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI), Bernie M. Farber is the executive director of the Mosaic Institute in Toronto and former CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress. Ihsaan Gardee is the executive director at the National Council of Canadian Muslims.

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