
Retiree Embraces Peaceful Lakeside Living in Mexico: A $460/month Paradise

In the quaint village of San Antonio Tlayacapan, Mexico, the mornings are filled with the soothing sounds of nature. From the gentle cooing of doves to the cheerful chirping of kiskadees, the ambiance is a far cry from the bustling city life that I had grown accustomed to in Mazatlán on Mexico’s Pacific coast. After spending 18 years in Mazatlán, I found myself yearning for a more peaceful and tranquil environment away from the hustle and bustle of city living.

The rapid growth and development in Mazatlán had transformed the once quiet beach town into a bustling resort city, teeming with tourists year-round. The serene beaches I once enjoyed were now overshadowed by towering condo towers, bringing along with them the usual headaches of urbanization – traffic congestion, infrastructure issues, and incessant noise. The changes were too drastic for me to ignore, prompting me to seek solace elsewhere.

It was during a visit to a friend in Lake Chapala, a rural area located seven hours away from Mazatlán, that I found the serenity I had been craving. Surrounded by nature, with lush greenery and a slower pace of life, Lake Chapala offered the perfect escape from the chaos of city living. The idyllic setting, complete with cobblestone streets and local residents going about their daily lives on horseback, resonated with me, drawing me in with its simplicity and charm.

After scouring real estate listings and stumbling upon the perfect two-bedroom yellow house with a yard that fit my budget, I made the decision to relocate to San Antonio Tlayacapan. With the help of a friend who took over my Mazatlán apartment, I packed my essentials and embarked on a new chapter in March 2024. The small town, nestled between the larger towns of Chapala and Ajijic, offered the tranquility and peace of mind I had been seeking.

The ‘Casita’ That Became Home

My new home, a cozy casita, welcomed me with open arms. The walled front yard, adorned with a vibrant flower garden that attracted butterflies and hummingbirds, became my sanctuary. Stepping inside, I found a living room that seamlessly flowed into the kitchen, creating a warm and inviting space for me to unwind and relax.

While the rooms were smaller compared to my Mazatlán apartment, they felt just right for me. The kitchen, where I indulged in my passion for cooking and baking, became a haven for experimenting with fresh, local ingredients sourced from nearby markets. The bedroom, with ample storage and natural light streaming in through the windows, provided a peaceful retreat at the end of each day.

As a semi-retired individual, I utilized the second bedroom as my office, where I worked on freelance projects, wrote books, and assisted fellow expats in navigating life abroad. The enclosed patio outside the kitchen served as a tranquil space for me to enjoy meals, work, and relax amidst a backdrop of lush greenery.

Affordable Living and Abundant Nature

Despite the tranquility of my new surroundings, my days remained vibrant and active. Engaged in freelance work and writing projects, I found a balance between work and leisure, immersing myself in the local community and exploring the natural beauty of the area. Outdoor markets, brimming with fresh produce and local delicacies, became a regular destination for me, offering a glimpse into the vibrant culinary scene of the region.

Living by the lake, I discovered a plethora of fresh, organic produce at affordable prices, from seasonal fruits like figs and berries to farm-fresh eggs and dairy products. Embracing a plant-based diet, I relished in the abundance of local ingredients and the opportunity to support small businesses and farmers in the area. While there were larger grocery stores nearby, I preferred to shop at local markets for their freshness and authenticity.

Looking Ahead with Gratitude

As the sun set over the tranquil landscape of San Antonio Tlayacapan, I found myself reflecting on the peace and tranquility that had become a hallmark of my new home. Grateful for the serenity and simplicity of my surroundings, I embraced each day with a sense of contentment and fulfillment, far removed from the hectic pace of city life.

While I still missed the ocean and the invigorating energy of beach living, I entertained the idea of exploring other destinations in the future, perhaps another Mexican beach town or even a spot in southern Italy. My dream of spending time with my children and their families in the U.S., interspersed with periods of travel and exploration, remained a beacon of hope and possibility for the future.

In this smaller, slower town, I found the peace and tranquility I was looking for, a refuge from the chaos and noise of city living. As I savored the simplicity and beauty of my new surroundings, I embraced each day with gratitude and optimism, eager to continue my journey of self-discovery and exploration in the serene oasis of San Antonio Tlayacapan.