The next elections départementales (ex-cantonal elections) take place in the month of June. All French citizens are called to vote to appoint the elected members of the county council.

2021 is a year of elections in France. While the campaign for the presidential 2022 is already starting to mobilize the main political parties, while the strategies of gathering are drawn to the race for the Elysée, it is good for the local elections that the French are being asked to vote, in just a few weeks. In the month of June, the citizens must move in their polling station for elections to the regional, but also for the elections départementales (which were replaced in 2015, the cantonal elections). Operation, campaign, candidates, polls… Here’s everything you need to know about the organization of departmental 2021.

What is the date of the elections départementales 2021 ?

The first round of the elections départementales is held on the 13th of June 2021, the second round is organized on June 20, 2021. At these dates, the French people are also voting for the regional elections. These elections were originally scheduled to take place in the month of march, but the government, in agreement with the elected members of the national Assembly and the Senate, have chosen to postpone these elections, given the health crisis. The epidemic creates a large uncertainty on the possibility of organizing trips in the polls, but it is especially difficult to campaign for candidates in the current conditions, which have led the parliament and the government to delay the deadline at the end of the spring.

Who is a candidate in the elections départementales ?

to run in these elections, it is necessary to be French 18 years of age, be domiciled in the department or be registered “in the role of a direct contributions”, to be registered as a voter and not to be deprived of his civil and political rights. Tens of thousands of the candidates are in France at the departmental, 4 058 candidates are elected, the election’s outcome, advisors county.

voting in elections départementales ?

All French citizens who are at least 18 years of age, registered as a voter and not being deprived of their civil and political rights may vote in elections départementales. Attention, these elections were not held in Paris, in the metropolis of Lyon, Corsica, the French Guiana and Martinique, and the overseas collectivities.

What is the mode of election departmental ?

The elections départementales are held every 6 years, they are renewing the whole of the councillors county. The election is binomial to two towers. If a pair (consisting of a man and a woman) receives the first ballot the majority of votes with at least 25% of the registered voters on the electoral lists, the latter is elected. If this is not the case, a 2nd round is organised, with the candidates having obtained the 1st round at least 12.5% of the vote in these registered voters on the voters list. The list with the greatest number of votes is declared the winner.

Survey on elections départementales

For the time being, no survey institute has conducted a study on the voting intentions of the electors at the national level. The Fifg has conducted a survey of elected officials, in October last, for the Assembly of French departments (AFD). According to the survey, 93% of advisors county are “satisfied” to exercise their mandate, 81% have the intention to run for these elections départementales 2021, and 70% have the intention to come again with the same pair in 2015.

Outcome of the elections départementales

the results of The elections départementales 2021 will be communicated on Sunday 13 and 20 June, with initial estimates at 20h. as in any election, shall make available to its readers, the scores of each list in all the communes of France from official promulgation by the department of the Interior.