On the list of twenty departments “of concern”, the Rhône, and is now subject to enhanced surveillance. In spite of a less alarming than elsewhere, the circulation of the virus is accelerating.

Contents Containment in the Rhône Containment on march 6, Containment on the weekend Containment only in Lyon

[updated march 1, 15h11] The possibility of a containment weekends hovers over the Rhone, listed among the twenty departments where the health situation of concern. Jean Castex has prompted elected officials to monitor more closely the movement of the virus in the coming days. Far from the incidence rate recorded in the Alpes-Maritimes or Dunkirk, the figures show the same when of a sudden increase. In one week, the number of cases has increased by 11% and 25 February, the incidence rate of the department reached 236 positive cases per 100 000 inhabitants. The pattern observed is the same in the city of lyon, which displays its coast 243 cases per 100,000, the highest rate in the region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

Containment in the Rhône : the pressure of hospital decisive ?

However, in the hospitals, the situation seems to be under control. On 28 February, the health facilities were counted “only” 10 new admissions related to Covid-19. It is not much, but enough to move above the national average set to 7 daily entries. The situation is more tense in the intensive care units, as 72.6% of the beds were occupied in the February 24, . In addition to the number of hospitalizations, the concern is in part due to the spread of variants of the viruses known to be more contagious. The british strain represents more than half of the positive cases identified (51%) in the department. Cousins south african and brazilian remain on the margins but contaminating 4% of patients.

© subchondral cysts, containment, as of 6 march ? A verdict in a few days

In the aftermath of the speech of the Prime minister, the mayor of Lyon, Grégory Doucet (EELV), the mayor of Villeurbanne, Cedric Van Styvendael (PS), the president of the Metropolis of Lyon, Bruno Bernard (EELV), and the president of the region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Laurent Wauquiez (LR) met to consider the establishment of any health measures are more stringent applicable as of 6 march, only if the numbers continue to grow. After the week of observation, decisions would be taken between Wednesday and Thursday after the release of the latest figures and the point national weekly.

containment on the weekend in the Rhône ?

there is No information that came out of the consultative meeting but, containment, local and partial, like those applied in the Alpes-Maritimes and Dunkirk is not to be excluded. The traffic would then be limited to only travel essential and allowed by the certification of exit from the Friday to 18 pm, and until Monday at 6 o’clock in the morning. If it is decided, the containment part of the weekend could be put in place for two weeks in a first time, as has been the case for the coastline of the Alpes-Maritimes and the agglomeration of the North. But the government appears to navigate to a view, it must be borne in mind that the extension of the measures, whatever they may be, is possible.

containment located in Lyon ?