rienté to a general practitioner and volunteer to receive, during the period of the epidemic, of patients potentially infected with the Covid-19 does not belong to its patientèle usual. During this period of epidemic, the use of teleconsultation by a health care professional is encouraged and facilitated. The doctor will prescribe a test RT-PCR (supported 100% by health Insurance), will provide or prescribe surgical masks and details on the instructions of isolation, you can perform the test RT-PCR (supported 100% by health Insurance, with or without a prescription) as quickly as possible in a specialised laboratory with the closest (to know everything on the test Covid), list the people around her, family, friendly, a professional with whom one has had close contact without a mask (people under the same roof, colleagues sharing the same office …) 2 days before the early signs of the disease until the isolation. The coordinates of these persons will be collected by the doctor and by the health teams of the health Insurance, that contact systematically these ” contact persons “.

also, It is best to get tested if you have crossed the road of a person carrying the virus for at least fifteen minutes. On 11 September, Prime minister Jean Castex said slots and the locations would be reserved for three priority populations : individuals experiencing symptoms, the case contact, and health care providers.

When to call the 15 ? The website of the ministry of Solidarity and Health specifies that in case of worsening of symptoms, “with difficulty breathing and signs of choking” (lack of breath on exertion or when taking a word), [to call] the SAMU (15) or [send] a message to the emergency number for the deaf and hard of hearing (114)”.

What to do after the test ? After the screening test at Covid, isolate you at home, waiting to receive the results, to avoid potentially infecting other people. In the event of contamination proved to be, you have to stay at your home or hotel if you are not near you. To people tested positive to the #Coronavirus, and to those with whom they were in contact, the isolation time is reduced to 7 days. More information : 0 800 130 000

What types of tests ? Several types of tests related to the SARS-CoV-2 are currently available in France : tests, virological, RT-PCR, serological tests ELISA, TDR, TROD, or self-tests. No one is one hundred percent effective, but their use is complementary. However, only tests RT-PCR, which are tests virologic, offer the ability to establish the diagnosis of the disease and they are offered in university hospital centre (CHU) and in laboratories of the city. “The serologic tests, complement tests, RT-PCR, may allow the answer to the question, “am I or was I sick of the Covid-19 ?”. On the other hand, they do not answer the question, ” am I contagious ?”, or “am I protected against the Covid-19 ?””, explains the High authority of Health in a press release issued on 2 may.

coronavirus does it kidney problems ?

The novel coronavirus can affect the kidneys. Alan Kliger, a nephrologist at the Yale School of Medicine, is encrypted in the Washington Post : “Nearly half of people hospitalized as a result of the covid-19 have blood or protein in their urine.” More alarming, a survey reported by the journal in early April are estimated to be between 14% to 30% the share of patients in intensive care in New-York and Wuhan (China) who had lost their renal function and need for dialysis at the time. Individuals with kidney disease are more susceptible to these exacerbations. They often present problems of diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular disease. However, Dr. Brad Rovin, director of the department of nephrology at the university of the State of Ohio, has notified to RFI that “many cases that had never had kidney disease before they develop serious kidney injury.” He explained : “depending On the severity and duration of infection during their fight against the Covid-19, these patients may develop chronic renal failure.” Dr. Brad Rovin has pointed out : “I think we will see the consequences of this illness in the services of nephrology in the long term.”

The coronavirus leads to-t-he of neurological disorders ?

Some patients with by the Covid-19 exhibit neurological disorders. A study published in April in the journal of the Association of american medicine (Jama) reported that over 214 chinese patients, 36% had neurological symptoms, ranging from loss of sense of smell with nerve pain, and even seizures and stroke. If these phenomena are sometimes due to the lack of oxygen in the blood, some health professionals were very quickly referred to other assumptions, such as an immune response to the abnormal — a “storm of cytokine” — which would cause a inflammation in the brain called encephalitis autoimmune, or a viral encephalitis.

But a recent study led by Akiko Iwasaki, immunologist from the university of Yale, and published in September has confirmed that neurological disorders might be related to the ability of coronavirus to p&e