nt to comply, the State may not legally impose this type of restrictions in the private sphere. Family gatherings in a private home will therefore not be controlled. There are no binding measures for people who contracted the Covid-19 . According to the Prime minister in particular, “there will be no isolation required of the contaminated people” before, during or after the year-end holiday season, even if the recommendation to isolate the rest of the procedure to follow absolutely recommended.

► Check out all of the actions of déconfinement via our dedicated page

What are the precautions for the festivals of end of the year ?

beyond The mandatory measures, how to pass year-end holiday season peaceful ? How to organize a Christmas and a new Year’s Day “Covid-compatible” ? The recommendations are many, between tables, respect distances and wearing a mask indoors. The site Service-public.fr listed the precautions that can help limit the spread of the virus during the new year’s eve. Some are derived from the recommendations of the High Council Public Health (HCSP) for the family groupings and/or friendly. One of the first figure, of course, the observance of sanitary rules : “wash hands regularly, keep the maximum distance, wear the mask, clean the surfaces affected by all the world (furniture, door handles…)”. It is also recommended to”ventilate the interior spaces 10 minutes every hour (the duration of aeration depends on the volume of the room and the renewal of the air)”.

A board more suited still to the feasts : “adjust the table plan for the meal, with a gauge of six adults maximum (plus children), by spacing apart the guests with a larger distance for the people with the highest risk because of their age or comorbidities”. The official website of the administration also recommends “to wear the mask until the time where we eat, and then back to continue to discuss it between two dishes and at the end of the meal”. It is also advised to”avoid sharing objects : for example, put spades on the toast to avoid taking it with the hand, do not pass the dishes but preferred the service by a single person”. Another precaution that makes sense in a period of Covid : “Do not kiss at the time of sharing gifts, keep distance and wash your hands after you open the packages”. More generally, Service-public.fr considers that it is necessary to “reduce the time you spend together and go outside when it is possible”.

Organise the end of year celebrations early with his loved ones

But the first council of experts is to agree together on the configuration of the meal the festivals of end of the year, the question upstream, in short, to speak with his loved ones. Didier Lepelletier, professor hygienist at the CHU de Nantes and co-chair of the working group on the Covid-19 of the High Council of public health, interviewed by franceinfo, advises to discuss upstream of the gauge of six persons with his loved ones : “It is necessary that every family have a perception of risk and is found to discuss it. One can imagine being in a family council to determine how we can meet, decide who is going to cook…”. A recommendation that applies to persons that are not confined together before the Holidays and who wish to gather for the Christmas meal and/or New year’s.

For Emmanuel Rusch, president of the French Society of public health, also questioned by franceinfo, such a discussion can help assess the risks and provide answers to the anxieties of everyone : “It is important to speak with the people with who you will be and not to be in the unsaid.”

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How to wish Happy holidays of end of the year ?

To protect the Covid and especially to protect the others, many families are resigned to spend the holidays of end of the year separated. The messages of Christmas and Good year will therefore very likely be the taste of the day for the celebration of 2020. When it comes to messages and texts Happy holidays, the principal difficulty remains, without doubt, to send a missive custom, which is not like all those already received by the recipient. A message way poem, for example, can then make a lot more fun than a text of “Happy holidays” impersonal. Wish a Happy holiday season 2020 – 2021 can quickly become a headache. To avoid hair pulling, see our card ideas, messages, and texts of Merry Christmas but also happy new year below :

our greeting card customizable (to be shared by email, SMS or on social networks) our page of ideas and tips for your “Messages and texts Merry Christmas” our page of ideas and tips for your “Messages and texts of Good year”