CORONAVIRUS. The USA have set a new sad record daily, on Thursday, identifying 52 898 additional cases of Covid-19. The balance sheet of the pandemic, was born in China in December, is more than 516 000 people dead across the world.

Summary Map of the coronavirus Statistics of the coronavirus China United States Brazil Spain Italy United Kingdom Germany Portugal Belgium Africa

[updated 2 July 2020 at 10h59] The latest figures concerning the balance sheet of the new coronavirus, which has caused the death of 516 210 people, for $ 10.7 million cases, have something to bring to a simmer. Far from over, the spread of the pandemic continues to accelerate. The planet indeed comes from living its worst week in terms of contamination, with more than 160,000 cases per day, according to the WHO, who said yesterday, by the voice of its general manager Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus : “60% of all cases of Covid-19 identified so far have been reported during the last month.” All the continents, however, are not housed in the same boat and are not all at the same point : if Europe is déconfine gradually, America is still hit by the health crisis.

the example of The United States is the most spectacular : after having already recorded 2 686 480 cases and 128 to 62 deaths in total, the country led by Donald Trump continues to identify records of contamination daily. The balance sheet of the USA, this Thursday, is as well state-of-52 898 new cases, a figure never reached since the beginning of the pandemic, to 706 deaths. This impressive increase of infections is especially palpable in the southern States and the west coast of USA, image of California, who decided to put in place restrictions that had been lifted at the end of the month of may. The governor has decided to close for three week-restaurants, bars, cinemas and museums in the city of Los Angeles, and in 18 other counties. More generally, many States have decided to exercise caution, and to restrict gatherings for the national holiday, celebrated on the 4th of July on american soil.

the map of The coronavirus in the world

Statistics of the coronavirus

Statistics of the coronavirus to the 01/07/2020 in the evening

a Country Number of cases New cases deaths New deaths United States 2,779,953 +51,097 130,798 +676 Brazil 1,453,369 +44,884 60,713 +1,057 Russia 654,405 +6,556 9,536 +216 India 605,220 +19,428 17,848 +438 United Kingdom 313,483 +829 43,906 +176 Spain 296,739 +388 28,363 +8 Peru 288,477 +3,264 9,860 +183 Chile 282,043 +2,650 5,753 +65 Italy 240,760 +182 34,788 +21 Iran 230,211 +2,549 10,958 +141 Mexico 226,089 +5,432 27,769 +648 Pakistan 213,470 +4,133 4,395 +91 Turkey 201,098 +1,192 5,150 +19 Germany 196,324 +492 9,061 +9 Saudi Arabia 194,225 +3,402 1,698 +49 France 165,719 +918 29,861 +18 South Africa 159,333 +8,124 2,749 +92 Bangladesh 149,258 +3,775 1,888 +41 Canada 104,271 +67 8,615 +24 British 102,009 +4,163 3,470 +136 Qatar 97,003 +915 115 +2 China 83,534 +3 4,634 Egypt 69,814 +1,503 3,034 +81 Sweden 69,692 +103 5,370 +12 Argentina 67,197 +2,667 1,351 +44 Belarus 62,424 +306 398 +6 Belgium 61,509 +82 9,754 +7 Ecuador 58,257 +1,825 4,576 +49 Indonesia 57,770 +1,385 2,934 +58 Iraq 51,524 +2,415 2,050 +107 Netherlands 50,273 6,113 United Arab Emirates 49,069 +402 316 +1 Kuwait 46,940 +745 358 +4 Ukraine 44,998 +664 1,173 +14 Singapore 44,122 +215 26 Portugal 42,454 +313 1,579 +3 Oman 41,194 +1,124 185 +9 Kazakhstan 41,065 +944 188 Philippines 38,511 +997 1,270 +4 Poland 34,775 +382 1,477 +14 Coronavirus in China

the Birthplace of the pandemic coronavirus, China was thought to have halted the crisis, at the beginning of the spring, but the appearance of new cases since mid-June, especially in Beijing, has put the country under tension. In total, more than 300 cases were discovered in Beijing from mid-June, where “the situation of the epidemic is serious and complex,” said Sunday Xu Hejian, a spokesman for the city. Since the month of December, the Covid-19 has caused the death of 4 634 people (no deaths over the last 24 hours), for 83 537 cases. The government has put into place measures of restriction in the capital, closing schools and reconfinant several districts in areas considered at risk, mostly located not far from the market giant of Xinfadi, which would be part of this new wave of contaminations.

Sunday, the authorities have decided to operate in the containment of the township of Anxin (500 000 people), located sixty kilometers south of Beijing, after the census of ten new cases. Eleven cases related to the rebound of the epidemic in beijing have been registered, according to the newspaper Global Times. One person per household will be allowed to go out once a day to buy food and medications, until further order. These efforts seem to bear fruit, as only 3 cases of coronavirus including 1 in Beijing, were identified Thursday.

Coronavirus in the USA

The United States account for a total of 2 686 480 million cases and 128 062 dead. According to the institute of Johns Hopkins university, the number of deaths Thursday is 706 deaths in 24 hours (1 199 the day before). The number of daily new infections recorded in the United States hit a new record with 52 898 cases. This figure had fallen to 20,000 in April, before rising, at the option of the movement of the virus in the south-western part of the country. “We have a serious problem in some areas,” acknowledged Dr. Fauci, the epidemiologist-in-chief of the White House, last Friday, during a press conference, calling for the responsible individualthe of every American in controlling the spread of the virus. The contagion is increasing, and in more than half of u.s. States, including California, Texas and Florida, very large and very populated area.

Coronavirus in Brazil

In Brazil, 1 038 deaths have been recorded during the last 24 hours, for a total balance which now stands at 60 632 deaths and 1 448 753 cases identified. The figures continue to follow an upward trend, but the government continues globally to minimize the crisis, under the leadership of president Jair Bolsonaro refractory containment measures implemented by the governors of the states and supporting the thesis that the economic consequences of these restrictions could cause damage far more serious than those caused by the coronavirus. Experts believe that Brazil should soon reach a “plateau”, but with a high figure of more than 1 000 deaths per day.

Coronavirus in Spain

Spain, the record was state, Wednesday, of 149 new cases in 24 hours, or 249 649 cases in total, for 28 363 deaths (8 deaths in 24 hours). The state of alert, to limit travel, came to an end on the 21st of June. The reopening of the borders to tourists, has also been booked. The football championship has taken over there a fortnight, and many cultural venues have also opened their doors. In contrast, the schools will re-open in September.

Coronavirus in Italy

In Italy, the official report release Wednesday by the authorities reports of 21 additional deaths in 24 hours (23 the day before), bringing the total to 34 788 dead for more than 240 000 contamination (+187). Vigilance is always appropriate, in particular since the discovery, last week, several outbreaks, especially in Rome, the capital of the country. “We’ve got some lack of attention, as the young nightlife scene, and so on, but in Italy, most people continue to wear the mask and apply the distancing physical,” said Massio Andreoni, head of the department of infectious diseases at the hospital Tor Vergata in Rome. The virus will continue to circulate and we’ll have the sudden reappearance of a few outbreaks. If there is a second wave, this will be our fault. This will mean that we will not have been able to apply what we have learned.”

Coronavirus in the United Kingdom

The last balance sheet reported in the United Kingdom was a state, on Wednesday, from 176 more deaths in 24 hours (up from 155 the previous day). In total, the country has 43 906 people since the beginning of the epidemic to more than 313 483-positive cases. According to the office for national statistics (ONS), the number of deaths attributed to the new coronavirus is nevertheless higher than that announced by the ministry of Health, and the overall balance would be in reality more than 50 000 victims of the Covid-19, taking into account the actual number of deceased persons in retirement homes. In addition, the health professionals in the country have asked the class british policy to prepare the United Kingdom in the “true risk” of a second wave, in a letter published in the British Medical Journal.

The Uk is also continuing with its déconfinement progressive, including the partial reopening of the schools since the beginning of the month. The return is done by age groups for primary schools with pupils aged 4 to 6 years, and from 10 to 11 years. All stores were allowed to reopen on Monday, June 15, with the implementation of precautionary measures (limitation of the number of customers inside, markings on the ground to facilitate the detachment physics…). The port of the mask is also mandatory in the transport. For the reopening of bars and restaurants, it will be necessary, however, to wait for the 4th of July, and again a little later (no date set) for the leisure parks, discos, gyms or swimming pools. On Monday, the United Kingdom was announced in the evening a hardening of the containment in Leicester, in the centre of the country, after an outbreak of new cases (866 over the last two weeks).

Coronavirus in Germany

503 more cases of coronavirus have been detected in Germany for the last 24 hours, according to the figures officially approved Thursday morning by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases, responsible for the monitoring of the epidemic in the country. This is the balance sheet of infections 195 228 cases of Covid-19 since the appearance of the Covid-19 in the country. Nine deaths were also identified, bringing the balance of the epidemic 8994 dead in Germany.

The controversy is still large in the country about the working conditions in slaughterhouses, places where several outbreaks of infection have been discovered in recent weeks. The dissemination of a video, which seems to be recorded in the month of April in the premises of the slaughterhouse Tommies to Gütershloh in North Rhine-Westphalia has created the scandal in recent days. It is this slaughter that was born the largest outbreak facing the country, with more than 1500 employees have been tested positive to the virus. “I find it outrageous that Tönnies has reacted so late, and now everyone in the district suffers the consequences, one has even the right to go on holiday,” said a resident in remarks picked up by FranceInfo.

After the discovery of many cases in the largest slaughterhouse in the country, two townships had been pl(cags) in confinement until the 30th of June. On Monday, the authorities of the Land have announced that the measures were lifted in the township of Warendorf but on the other hand extended for a week in Gütersloh, the nearest to the slaughterhouse Tommies where 1500 employees have been tested positive Covid-19. Bars or movie theaters will remain closed, residents asked to stay in their homes and gatherings of more than two people in the public space are prohibited. The reconfinement part of two districts of the region North Rhine-Westphalia had the effect of a bomb on a european continent that fears the arrival of a second wave. The measure was scheduled for a week until June 30. “We are dealing with the most important site of infection,” announced on June 21, Armin Laschet. The latter said on Monday 29 June that few people outside of the slaughterhouse were contaminated by the Covid-19.

Coronavirus in Portugal

The Portugal struggle against a resurgence of the epidemic, mainly in Lisbon. The country has 42 000 cases of Covid-19 for a little more than 1500 deaths. The Portuguese border were celebrated on Wednesday the re-opening of the land border with Spain closed for the month of march. Since July 1, the tourists but also expatriates Portuguese can again win the Portugal by the road, a very important data for the Portuguese economy, which relies heavily on summer tourism to limit the impact of the epidemic. This new, highly anticipated, therefore, has been troubled by the announcements of the last days. Lisbon remains in part in quarantine this week.

The capital region represents 80% of outbreaks of contagious diseases discovered in Portugal, while 300 to 400 new cases daily are detected in a country which had until now only about 40 000 cases of coronavirus. The Prime minister Antonio Costa has warned and announced “voting is a civic duty containment at home” for the neighborhoods, city limits, concerned. It is not of Lisbon but of a few districts of municipalities close”, has he insisted, no doubt sensitive to the possible impact of this announcement on tourism.

In these neighborhoods, residents are invited to stay with them, and can not get out to go to work, do their shopping for food or health as well as for medical appointments. Any gathering of over 10 persons is prohibited. Since 1 July, Portugal is split into three areas. In the one where the rules are less strict, wearing a mask is still required in the transport and places closed, but the gatherings are allowed for up to 20 people. In the second area, which relates to Lisbon and its environs, we are talking about a state of “contingency”. The collections are limited to 10 people and the shops close as early as 20h. Finally, in the third area, the containment is in effect, and the business limited to a maximum of 5 people.

The final 8 of the champions League football, scheduled for the beginning of August in Lisbon, can it be threatened ? While Portugal was pleased to have been chosen by the UEFA in view of its good results in the management of the outbreak of coronavirus, the surge of new cases in the Portuguese capital concerned. The country heard yet wet on her good numbers, and its status as a safe destination to attract the european tourists. The government has recently introduced a mobile application “Info Praia” on the terms of opening of the beaches this summer. We have included on this application, information about the rate of occupation of beaches as well as a color code for whether the beach is open in “dynamic” mode (walk permitted only) or if it is possible to cover it with his towel. The dating of the beaches could be monitored and reduced by half compared to usual, but their access could remain free.

Coronavirus in Belgium

The last report on the epidemic of coronavirus in Belgium has been published today, Thursday 2 July. Sciensano identified 61 598 cases of coronavirus in the country since the onset of the virus, or 89 more cases than the day before. Belgium deplores 7 deaths, bringing the total balance to 9754 deaths in the country. Belgium has started on 1st July the phase 4 of its déconfinement. This new stage is accompanied by symbolic measures highly expected that the enlargement of the “bubble contact” of 10 to 15 people allowed to see per individual and per week.

The swimming pools, theatres and cinema are allowed to reopen but with reservation systems and niche determined to limit the crowds. Receptions can take place over the festive halls, but by limiting the number of guests to 50 people. The wearing of masks in the public space is advisable but not mandatory. It is now the summer holidays which crystallize the attention of the authorities. According to the belgian press, at least 10 million Belgians have decided to pass on the coasts of their country, resulting in a peak inflow that it will be necessary to manage to prevent a resumption of the contamination. An application should be put in place to prevent the influx and try to manage the flow.

Coronavirus in Africa

The last balance-sheet of WHO was in state Monday, June 29, of 380 000 for confirmed cases of coronavirus across the african continent, for 9664 deaths have been documented. The spread of the virus has markedly accelerated in recent weeks, with a doubling of cases in just three weeks. For The World Africa, this increase is however to be nuanced, because mainly due to the situation in South Africa which “has a third-party contamination of the continent and a quarter of its dead”.

South Africa is the most affected country ahead of Egypt and Nigeria. African country that makes the most of screening tests, South Africa has passed the milestone of 100 000 reported cases and nearly 2000 deaths. A test vaccine will be conducted on 2000 people. Developed by the university of Oxford and is considered as promising, it is already the subject of clinical trials in the United Kingdom and Brazil. The”objective, for the moment, is to ensure that the vaccine is not dangerous for patients, and to measure the response of the immune system”, explains to France 24 Lee Fairlie, a paediatrician at Wits university, who supervises one of the sites of the clinical trial. The challenge is to verify the absence of side effects. “This is what’s called a phase 2, during which one seeks to determine what is the dose of a vaccine produces the best immune response,” says his side Pierre Saliou, chairman of the Group of intervention in public health and epidemiology (GISPE).

In Algeria, the president Abdelmadjid Tebboune announced that it is maintaining the closure of all its borders, a decision that started on the 19th of march last. According to the last balance-sheet published on Sunday, 300 cases daily were detected, a record in Algeria, which has officially 13 000 cases reported to 897 deaths. The authorities are fighting against a release of the compliance of the gestures barriers, less than a month after the beginning of the déconfinement.