FEAST OF MUSIC 2020. On Sunday evening, despite the context of a public health crisis related to the pandemic Covid-19, thousands of French gathered in the streets to celebrate music and the summer.

Summary music Festival 2020 what date did it occur ?

[updated June 22, 2020 at 10h27 ] on Sunday night, the Festival of the music of 2020 has been placed under the sign of freedom. In spite sometimes of the health risks related to the pandemic Covid-19. In the large cities of France, like in most small, there are dozens of spontaneous events that have seen the light of day throughout the day, in the streets, parks or bars and restaurants. Private concerts for the past three months, many people had obviously decided to enjoy this Feast of music is not like the others.

On the social networks, the images of these gatherings, with or without masks, with or without social distancing, raining down. The ministry of Culture wanted the crowds to be avoided, banning gatherings of more than ten people outside and asking sometimes for the managers of bars and restaurants to prevent potential events. We have selected a couple of videos of impromptu parties, in both Paris and Lyon. Even Patrick Balkany has obviously not been able to resist the call of the dance, a few months after his release because his health deteriorated, was “incompatible with detention”, according to the court of appeal of Paris.

The Feast of music 2020 upset

Sunday, June 21, the Feast of music was “different, solidarity-based and digital,” said the ministry of Culture. “In order to ensure the safety of all and all, it will incorporate the health standards in force and does not need to create gatherings physical not allowed,” stated the website of the government. We can always dance, sing, listen to music, but in a different way. Gatherings are smaller, as well as individual initiatives or spontaneous they finally emerged, in an effort (not always respected) measures barrier. It was the wish of the minister of Culture, Franck Riester, who had unveiled the rules :

In bars, cafes and restaurants : “the organization of concerts is the responsibility of the operator of the place : they are not recommended as they are likely to generate gatherings not controlled on the public roads”, explained the minister, recalling that they are still allowed “in respect of sanitary rules.” street : the gatherings “of more than 10 people [are] still banned on the public domain”, explained Franck Riester, adding : “The concerts spontaneous are not allowed.” To be able to organize concerts in the respect of the rules of health, he must have obtained the prior approval of the prefect of the department, in liaison with the mayor.”

With these bans, the music Festival is made alive and well on the internet to become virtual. In Paris, Jean-Michel Jarre, for example, has proposed a live concert in virtual reality, named “Alone Together”. The electronic musician gave an appointment for his recording studio at 21.15 to the internet for 40 minutes, with his avatar. A world first in French performed by the startup French VRrOOm. If Jean-Michel Jarre update on the technology, this is not the only one… Everywhere in France, initiatives are multiplied together to share moments of music online, the Choir of Angers Nantes to Louis Bertignac through the great evening on France 2, Friday night, called All together to the music.

Why that date ?