DECONFINEMENT, PHASE 3 – Emmanuel Macron has made this Sunday evening a series of announcements on the continuation of the déconfinement. Back-to-school for all, map of the déconfinement entirely green, the reopening of the bars and restaurants in the Ile-de-France… phase 3 is launched.

Summary New actions Map déconfinement Certificates long-term care facilities and retirement homes, Travel and vacation local Elections Phase 3 June 22, Reversal of the school Gatherings of 10 people Measures still in force Travel 100km Tests Mask mandatory Application StopCovid Cafés and restaurants Parks and gardens, Beaches, Hotels and campsites, Cinemas and concert halls, swimming Pools, amusement Parks, Weddings and funerals

The déconfinement, launched in France on may 11, and entered a second phase last June 2, was to accelerate the 22 June, for a phase 3 scheduled in the calendar of the executive. Emmanuel Macron has decided to speed up the tempo by announcing, yesterday evening during a short televised address, the measures would enter into force as early as this Monday, June 15.

the president took the word from the Elysée to this speech of twenty minutes, spent only part of the 3rd phase of the déconfinement. Among the topics of emergency discussed, the portion of the map of the déconfinement green for all departments as early as this Monday, June 15, as well as the re-opening of restaurants in Ile-de-France, the back-to-school for all from the June 22, or the confirmation of the second round of the municipal on June 28. Other announcements are added to the list on Monday, as the end of the certificate of the employer announced by the prefect of the region Ile-de-France or speculation on the prohibition of gatherings of more than 10 people. Here are the main announcements at this stage :

The new measures of the déconfinement written down as early as this June 15, Map of the déconfinement : while the country is going green this Monday, June 15, with the exception of Mayotte and French Guyana, where the virus still circulates actively. “This means a more robust recovery of the work and the reopening of restaurants and bars”, said Emmanuel Macron. This implies that the institution, may open, outside terraces, in the Ile-de-France in particular. The certificate employer removed. Emmanuel Macron has not said a word during his speech, but the certificate required to take transit during peak hours in the paris region should be removed from this Tuesday, June 16. It is the prefect of the region who announced this Monday, entering at the request of the president of the Ile-de-France Valérie Pécresse. The secretary of State for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari was, however, indicated that the certificate would remain in effect until 22 June a minimum. The certification required for travel of over 100 km has been removed, for its part, on Tuesday, 2 June. In retirement homes, the visits must everywhere be allowed announcement Emmanuel Macron. the displacements in The countries of the european Union are allowed from this Monday, June 15. “From 1 July, we will be able to make it in the States outside Europe, where the epidemic will be under control”, adds the head of State, while many French wonder again about their holiday and on the reopening of the borders. The second round of local elections is confirmed by the head of State. This does not directly Monday, June 15, but the decision is recorded : the result of the election can be held in the 5,000 municipalities involved in the June 28, as planned by the government for the last few weeks. The measures of phase 3 of the déconfinement, June 22, back to school is compulsory for all students. Emmanuel Macron began his speech yesterday by a posting key : the return in nurseries, schools and colleges in “normal conditions” will be held on Monday, June 22. The school becomes and “mandatory”. The high schools are not affected and continue a gradual recovery. The health protocol should be adapted accordingly, said the minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer. Ads should be in that direction tomorrow, Tuesday. Gatherings of more than 10 people. Emmanuel Macron is not expressed directly on gatherings of more than 10 people, while the Council of State has suspended yesterday evening the ban up here in force. The head of State is simply to say that the gatherings must be “limited to the maximum,” noting that these items will continue to be “strictly managed”. Decisions could therefore be taken by 22 June about this. Saturday, a demonstration against racism and police violence brought together 15 000 people in Paris.

caution always. “we have for a long time still follow the rules of physical distance. The summer of 2020 will not be a summer like any other, and we need to ensure that the evolution of the epidemic,” also said Emmanuel Macron. “The fight against the epidemic is not over,” adds the head of State, who is looking forward to a “first victory against the virus.”

mobilization to save the maximum number of jobs . “First, we need to do everything to avoid layoffs, has urged Emmanuel Macron as France is already facing a crisis économiqeu, without precedent, linked to the containment. It promises consultation “with unions and employers”, for “in all the businesses we can get to preserve the most jobs possible in spite of the declines in activity.” “In total, we mobilized nearly 500 billion euros to our economy. It’s never happened before. In how many countries is this all there is ?” was particularly questioned the president, who promises not to raise taxes.

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