a Tax on electricity, making climate-friendly alternatives at a competitive disadvantage. If the tax on electricity was lowered, would more people opt for environmentally friendly electricity as a substitute for fossil fuels, more people would choose to consume the electricity during those times the pressure is low. Now, to be launched Elskatteupproret for a reduced electricity tax for the local climate.

About 45 per cent of the cost of electricity is now a tax, and value-added taxes, and taxes on electricity have increased four-fold since the electricity market was deregulated in 1996. Many people believe that the energy tax is dedicated to the improvement of Sweden’s energy, but the energy tax is a pure fiscal tax, which goes to the state budget.

An excise tax as against the climate
Excise taxes may be a sensible, if they are leading towards a more healthy or environmentally-friendly alternatives, without harming jobs and economic growth. However, elskatten do the opposite – it will make environment-friendly alternatives such as electric cars, electric bicycles, and electric power as an energy source is more expensive than is necessary, and it will reduce the incentive to control the consumption to the periods when the load on the power grid is at its lowest.

in Sweden, the production of energy is, today, largely fossil-fuel-free, since it comes from water, wind, nuclear power and bio-fuels. The share of wind energy has been on a decade period of time have gone from 2 per cent to 17 per cent of the total production of electricity at the end of 2019. At the same time, this development has contributed to the capacity of production and the price of electricity varies more than in the past, and become more and more dependent on how much the wind blows. However, because of the tax and the elnätsavgiften is the same for each and every kilowatt-hour, will be reduced by the control of their consumption when the price is low, far too low to justify the new behaviour.

the Tax needs to be cut in half
the Reform of elskatten, by halving the tax on electricity, so the more we use, the heating of the house based on the el. If the duty were reduced, would more people could control their consumption when the price of electricity and the load is at its lowest, and more and more would opt for an electric car. In addition, investments in climate-friendly energy production to increase.

the launch Elskatteupproret for a reduced electricity tax. As of now, over 11 000 people signed on. Read more on the Elskatteupproret.see the. Behind-the-Elskatteupproret is Kundkraft Sweden AB.

to Reduce the elskatten for the climate’s sake! < / span> < / span>

the President Kundkraft the company.

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