Sweden’s high-level objectives of the climate change policies will push up prices significantly in the future. Policy decisions are made will lead to increases in the price of cost of 3.60 dollars more per gallon by the year 2025, all else being equal, resulting in a bensinpris for around $ 20. However, there is a good chance that the price will increase significantly more than that. It is here in this room knows, the government and the samarbetspartierna, but they speak like the quiet of it. It is time for the politicians to be honest with the voters. In order to combat the soaring gasoline prices have petrol rates reduced properly.

Reduktionsplikten, that is to say, the need to reduce emissions by a higher percentage of biofuels in petrol, was introduced in the summer of 2018 and to be increased in the next year to 4.2 per cent. In conjunction with the bensinskattens, the automatic incrementing is pushing up the price of petrol, with a 35-penny the gallon for the next year. Then reduktionsplikten annually to be screwed up to the stated goal of 15 percent by 2025, and then rise even further.
the price of Petrol will rise to £ 20

based on our conservative estimates, pushing up the price of gasoline of 3.60 crowns per liter by 2025, nearly 2, due to higher taxes and a 1,55 dollars by reduktionsplikten. If the price of oil will rise or the exchange rate continues to weaken, will be the price of a liter is even higher. In addition, the increasing demand for bio-fuels. The majority of the countries in Europe have the day zero, the interference of the bio-fuel, but the tightening requirements in the future as a result of EUROPEAN union law. It’s going to increase the demand of biltunga countries, and are likely to increase the price of the day of Europe’s largest purchasers of biofuels.

For the motorist, the effect of the intervention, therefore, is not only a higher pumppris and an increase in the cost for additional gallons of fuel.

the Intervention may lead to an increased consumption of fuel, as a biofuel has significantly lower energy content. This is reflected in the government’s impact assessment. For the motorist, the effect is, therefore, not only a higher pumppris and an increase in the cost for additional gallons of fuel. If it is high, petrol rates can now be justified on environmental grounds, it is, to say the least, strange that the government continues to raise taxes automatically every year, despite the fact that the involvement of both the petrol and diesel prices, more and more eco-friendly.

What will the Survivors do?

At the time of the budget was presented, made the Centre of a very large number to get through to a requirement that a reduction in gasoline tax. It’s true, but the reduction was in the price of petrol has been increased even more. But the Party seems to forget that, for most people, it’s the cost, when you put in your tank that makes a difference. No, if the price of a liter will be more expensive because of the petrol rates, or on the basis of the height of the reduktionsplikt. As reduktionsplikten to grow rapidly in the coming years, it must, therefore, in petrol rates continue to be reduced in order to avoid the risk of soaring fuel prices. Is the Political willingness to continue to demand reduced the gasoline tax at every budget.

more Than 60% of the price of petrol is, today, a pure income tax. For the majority of the nation’s households, is a car essential, and the constant increase in petrol rates is digging huge holes in our wallets. Particularly hard hit are those who dwell in the rural areas, which lack a realistic alternative to the car in order to get the daily life to work with the jobbpendling, and school buses. The rise bensinskatter also increase the costs of many companies, which has negative consequences for Sweden’s competitiveness and are likely to lead to a reduction of jobs in urban areas.

the Car is a heavily överbeskattad

It is reasonable to expect that the placing will also have to pay, and the long-term measures to reduce the impact on the climate is significant. However, passenger cars will are already significantly överbeskattad, and is responsible for more than the social and economic costs of the cause in terms of the impact on the environment, vägslitage and the environment. The development is moving forward rapidly, with the steady decline in emissions, lower fuel consumption, and the increasing number of hybrid and electric vehicles on the road.

the Government and the samarbetspartierna need to stop punishing those who need the vehicle, and a reduction in petrol rates. The spiral of fuel prices as a result of the reduktionsplikten will ever get to Sweden to stay. < / span> < / span>

as the Ceo of the Taxpayers.

the chief economist, the Taxpayers.

READ MORE: the Voters be fooled – the hutlösa in petrol rates is not a matter of the environment. READ MORE: , the Gasoline shouldn’t cost more than $ 10. READ MORE: Without nuclear power, there will be no elbilsrevolution, M, and MP are debating Bensinupproret to See when the Lorentz Tovatt (MP) will meet with Jessica Rosencrantz (M) for a debate on the Bensinupproret.