When it comes to spices and ingredients in general that have positive health benefits, there are plenty of different types to choose from. For example, you can go with garlic, which has a laundry list of benefits and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. There is also ginger, which is often touted as one of the most effective stress-relievers around.

That said, have you ever given turmeric a try? It is a spice that contains curcumin, which is responsible for providing turmeric and curries with its distinct yellow colour. While it might not necessarily be as widely known as ginger or garlic, it comes with a surprisingly long list of benefits. Whether you go for tea or the ever-popular flavoured turmeric drink, here are just some of the health benefits!

Turmeric can help treat and prevent cancer

While it might seem like a tall order for turmeric to have anti-cancer properties, it is actually a well-known and established fact. Cancer comes from cells that have become mutated over time, which occurs due to a variety of reasons. Turmeric can help prevent the cells from being damaged, which in turn prevents them from mutating and turning into cancer cells.

Investigations are ongoing as to the full extent of curcumin’s ability to treat cancer. As if that was not enough, it is also known to prevent the growth of tumours, which further reinforces its ability to prevent cancer.

Turmeric can help deal with stress and anxiety

One of the most challenging hurdles many people face is the risk of anxiety and depression in a hectic world. When you have so many things to worry about, it can be quite easy to neglect your health, which could lead to depression. While it is indeed a grim prospect, it does not mean that you have to resign yourself to such a fate. Aside from taking steps to identify and alleviate your stressors, you can make use of turmeric to deal with symptoms.

Turmeric has the potential to be one of the most useful spices when it comes to dealing with the different pathways of depressive behaviour. When taken with exercise that reduces stress and a positive mindset, it could very well beat depression.

Turmeric helps deal with liver damage and kidney stones

While helping to treat cancer and anxiety are reasons enough to make use of turmeric, the wonder spice has more tricks up its sleeve. While it is known for helping prevent cell damage which could lead to cancer, it does the same thing with liver cells which prevents a host of medical conditions. It also helps the body’s production of bile – which aids in digestion.

When it comes to looking for a spice that has a slew of health benefits you can use on the go, there are few that can match turmeric in that regard. You can enjoy it as a cup of tea, sprinkle it on your meal, and even enjoy it as a flavoured beverage.

Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/turmeric-manson-jar-spoon-food-3089308/

Other sources:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4110570/ – cancer

https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/study-shows-turmeric-can-reduce-symptoms-of-depression-anxiety-546535422.html – stress and anxiety

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5000414/ – liver and kidney